Give Thanks
Feeling Gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a gift and not giving it
William Arthur Ward
Thanksgiving is just 2 days away and my to do list seems to be growing much faster than it’s being crossed off. I got up at 6 a.m. this morning, which is an extra hour of sleep for me since I normally get up at 5. I was sitting on the couch visiting with my dog when the most glorious sunrise appeared over the horizon. The bright orange sky was absolutely beautiful. I paused to thank the Lord for those unexpected blessings that just fill your heart with joy. We could never create such beauty and our amazing God just simply speaks it into existence. Man can make very beautiful things but he can only create from existing materials. God can not only make something beautiful but he literally creates it from nothing. He thinks it, speaks it and voila, it exists. How incredible!
The piano is on the opposite side of the house from where everyone sleeps and I can play it at all hours and not bother anyone. So after viewing the gorgeous sunrise, I went down to the piano and began playing one of my favorite songs, Because He Lives. I love knowing that I can face all my fears and worries and trials because I know He Lives. As I began to play my puppy/dog ( she just turned a year old last week) climbed up on the piano bench beside me. She weighs at least 80 lbs. As I continued playing Because He Lives I just burst into tears. The past year has been a rough one for sure and I am so grateful I have had this puppy at my side. My older lab is nearly 15 and very frail. This puppy has brought such joy and companionship through so many rough days and has certainly eased the oncoming loss of my beloved older dog. Dogs seem to be able to just feel your sadness and your struggles. They can offer no words of comfort but their presence is priceless. My puppy as big as she is, still loves to sit on my lap.
I am experiencing bleeding in the retina of my eye, for the second time in less than 2 years. It’s tough to focus due to the residue floating in my eye. I know in time it will heal and I’m focusing on just getting through these next few hectic weeks as best I can. Do I wish it could have happened at a more convenient time? Of course. I also know the Lord does all things well and for a reason and He hasn’t asked my opinion!
As you gather with friends and loved ones this Thanksgiving, don’t just thank God for the good things that have happened this past year, but thank him for the trials that made you grow. You did grow, either better or worse! He never promised a life without problems, He did however promise to be there with you, each step of the way. When life is hard and you can’t even pray, He will put you on someone’s heart and they will pray for you.
I had my 14th surgery this year. It really seems excessive doesn’t it? I know that I know I’m safely resting in the hands of my loving heavenly father and He knows what He’s doing. I’m grateful and eternally thankful for the character I’m gaining because of what He has chosen for me to endure.