Just A Minute

This Minute Will Never Occur Again

Just A MinuteJust a minute. How many times have we heard that phrase in our lives? How many times do we say it each day? It literally has become so common that I think we say it without really thinking about it. When the nurse leaves the room, she informs you that the doctor will be in shortly, a few minutes, in just a minute….35 minutes later, the doctor actually makes an appearance!

What about all the things that transpire in our lives, in just a minute? We make life changing decisions, we make mistakes, express emotions such as love, hatred, disgust, happiness, bliss, uncertainty, fear, hope…..the list is endless. We are capable of accomplishing a lot in just a minute!

I do not enjoy talking on the phone. Now that we have the option of texting, that is my preferred method of communication. When my kids were small and we didn’t have cell phones, they learned very quickly that if Mom is on the phone and the phone is attached to the wall, we can get away with stuff! Basically, it became a free for all  because Mom can’t catch you if she’s on the phone. My dog even reacted to me being on the phone. She all the sudden got very rambunctious and did not like competing with that phone for my attention.

So for many years when I was on the phone, I always had something productive close at hand. I could easily crochet, or write a grocery list, plan an activity etc…in just a few minutes. I always hated wasting time. When you are raising 7 children you learn the value of how much can be accomplished in just a minute. I learned that all of us collectively could tackle a lot of things in just a matter of minutes. Throughout the years, those minutes combine into the very fabric of our lives.

We can all look back and remember special times that occurred in just a matter of minutes. Those special minutes will be cherished forever. We can also look back and wish that we had made a better decision in that moment that forever changed the course of our lives.

The most important thing to remember is that our lives are a collection of minutes. Every minute counts! God has given us all, so many minutes to live. We can’t just enjoy the good minutes, they might be few and far between. Every minute you choose to be upset, fearful, hopeless etc.. you are affecting the following minute! It only takes “just a minute” to break the cycle of defeat and discouragement. We have the ability to change our circumstances by simply changing the way we are thinking about them. If you choose to trust God and believe He will help you, that takes just a minute of your time. The outcome can change the course of your life! This life is full of questions and uncertainties but we have a God who can calm the storms and bring peace to your heart, all in just minutes.

Take some time and focus on all that can be accomplished in mere minutes! Those minutes have great value and can produce a positive outcome.

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