God’s Invisible Fence

God’s Invisible fence We have an invisible fence for our chocolate lab, Penny.  When she was 4 months old, I had walked outside to find her, she had been playing in the yard.  I didn’t see her so I called her name. Unfortunately, she was across the road and she always came flying when you called her. There just happened to be a car coming when she crossed the road. Continue reading

Opening Day

Opening Day

Today is “Opening Day” in the

State of Michigan.

“Opening Day” means the beginning of firearms season to hunt deer.  This is the time when normal sane people trade in their normal sane lives for a time of sitting endless hours in the woods waiting for that perfect rack of horns to appear! I don’t think I would have the patience for this (enjoyable?) sport but oh I do love the venison.  I have eaten venison all of my life and I thought today I would pass on a few tips and some of my favorite recipes. Continue reading

Mystery Flight

Mystery Flight

Have you ever heard of a “Mystery Flight” ?

A number of years ago Northwest Airlines had a “mystery flight” out of Detroit.  You had to get up way before daylight and go wait in line to purchase tickets.  There were a select amount of tickets that were sold and many people were not able to purchase them.  I was one of the lucky ones! My husband’s secretary went and waited in the dark, and cold early morning hours to purchase 2 tickets for us.

Before I go any farther I just want to say that the reason I’m writing about this mystery flight is because Continue reading

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