Personal Presence Of God
So often we go through our day and never think about the Presence of God.
He seems so far away and sometimes we feel He is so far away that He couldn’t possibly know what we are going through. The reality is that He promised to never leave us or forsake us. We forsake one another because of anger, pain, hurtful words and actions etc. God on the other hand chooses not to forsake us because His love is so powerful and all encompassing that He can love us no matter how badly we fall or fail. Continue reading
The Ever Present Sunshine
We, who live in Michigan face many, many days without a glimpse of the sunshine or even the blue sky!. It is more a gloomy shade of gray day after day especially during the long winter months. Today was no exception. It is mid November and most of the leaves have fallen from the trees and the landscape is very barren. Add the gunmetal gray sky and the wind and now the incessant rain. From dawn til dusk the colors remain unchanged. It is during this time of the year that we start longing for snow! It brightens up the terrain and even though we still go many days without sunshine, the snow enhances the outdoors. Continue reading
Fabulous Chocolate Éclair Cake Recipe
Tasty Tuesday
Fabulous Chocolate Éclair Cake
This chocolate éclair cake recipe is a family favorite. I was given the recipe many years ago and have modified it to the specifications of my family. My son James asked me to make him one for his birthday one year and he absolutely did not share it with us, it’s that good! We don’t have it very often because it is so rich but the flavors are so delicious! I’m positive chocolate éclair cake isn’t good for you but we all deserve a little splurge once in awhile.