Consider the Birds
Consider the worry free Birds!
It’s about 14 degrees out this morning. It was much colder when I got up and made coffee and started the fire. We have gotten about 4 inches of snow in the past 24 hours and although the day is gray and gloomy it looks so much brighter with the snow covering the landscape. I’m supposed to be cleaning at the moment but the birds outside fluttering to the feeder have drawn my attention.
Some are very beautiful such as the bright red cardinals, my favorites. Others, like the various woodpeckers, have unusual markings and are very striking to observe. Then there are the non descript birds that I don’t recognize and have no idea what they are.
There are many many birds today. Possibly ten at a time are landing on the feeder. All the different kinds come together for one purpose, food. Sustanance on this cold snowy day. I have provided a way for them to easily be filled and all they have to do is come to the feeder! I love watching them and photographing them. I have taken some beautiful pictures over the years as I patiently braved the elements and snapped that shutter hundreds of times.
Whenever I take the time to just stop and observe the myriad of birds that come to the feeder I am constantly reminded of a loving God who provides for those birds throughout every season and weather condition. Those birds don’t worry and fret about the weather forecast. They don’t read the statistics of how many will perish in the next cold snap, or fear flying through hurricane force winds. They aren’t concerned about their water supply or whether there will be sufficient trees available to build their nests.
Why do we worry about these very things? The Lord has clearly told us He is aware of the fate of every sparrow! Why did he say sparrow? I think they are very plain birds without much color or beauty to look at. There are beautiful breathtaking birds, and birds that can sing and even talk! He didn’t mention any of these spectacular birds! The scriptures tell us we are so much more valuable than those sparrows! They don’t reap or sow but God takes care of them. I believe we need to sow good things and we will also reap good things, but we don’t need to allow our trials to dictate God’s ability to provide our needs.
The Lord has clearly told us not to worry about tomorrow. Of course I not only worry about tomorrow but today too! Sometimes I worry about yesterday too when I allow my thoughts to dwell on negative emotions! Maybe I need to think like a bird!
As I continue watching the birds I am continually reminded that I need to take heed to their resilience to their surroundings. They aren’t concerned about tomorrow and they are living in the present, content to just be birds! That is my desire. To just live in this present moment and know that the Lord of all creation has provided everything I need for this very day and I need to trust His grace will be sufficient.