Memorable Gift
Did you ever receive a living gift?
I was in the barn the other day with my goats and a wave of nostalgia came me over me, remembering my beloved horse, a gift. When we first moved to our farm back in 1987, I had three small children. I was so excited to move to the country. I had lived in the country throughout my teenage years and absolutely loved it.
We were able to purchase our small five acre farm with a farmhouse and barn. We were barely making ends meet but the rewards of living in the country where we could have a big garden and raise animals was worth the lack of money in our pockets!
I longed to have a horse, as I had to sell mine when I went away to college. I knew we couldn’t afford one but every time I went out to that empty barn I thought about the day it would become reality.I never dreamed I would receive one as a gift!
We always went to my father-in-law ‘s for christmas eve. We packed up the children and our gifts and went on our traditional outing. We celebrated christmas with my in-laws and arrived home very late, almost midnight. As my husband turned off the car, I turned around to check and see if our 3 girls were all still asleep. As I did, I thought I heard the distinct whinny of a horse. I looked at John and asked “did you hear that? It sounded just like a horse?” He laughed and told me I was overly tired.
I opened the car door and this time I knew I heard it. I looked at him and and said excitedly “there’s a horse in the barn!” I raced to the barn and found a beautiful cream colored horse in the barn! She was tied in a stall. I ran to her and gently greeted her and turned to John, who had followed me into the barn. “Is this for me? How did she get here? How did you ever afford her?”
This horse became the most memorable gift I have ever received for a Christmas gift. John had bought her from an acquaintance who actually let him make payments! They had agreed to deliver her while we were gone that evening and it was such a wonderful surprise. I wasn’t supposed to know until Christmas morning but of course she gave herself away! Her name was Honey and she was an eight year old half Appaloosa half quarter horse. I absolutely loved having that horse and she became an integral part of our family for the next twenty years. She developed arthritis in one knee as she aged and although we could no longer ride her she was like a huge dog. She was very gentle natured and loved by all of us. She got along great with my goats and it was always nice to see her out in the pasture. We were able to purchase more acres as the years have passed and her little farm grew.
She fell and broke her leg when she was 28 and we had to put her down. It was a heartbreaking event. She died the year before the barn burned to the ground and I will always associate her with that great old barn and so many wonderful memories. She was a blessed addition to our family and a cherished and awesome gift to me.