A Promise
Can you imagine raising the Lord Jesus?
I often think about Joseph and Mary and a promise God made to them. How inadequate they must’ve felt to raise the Son of God. How many people must’ve whispered behind Mary’s back, the names they called her.. the reproach Joseph bore for standing by her side once the Angel showed him this was the will of God. And yet all along, through all of this, they knew. They trusted in a God who made a promise, even if they were alone. Mary’s willing heart was favored greatly in the sight of God. Her faith never waivered from the Truth she knew. I got to thinking, how inadequate I feel that Christ would be born in my heart. Such an unlikely spot for God’s word to ever find a dwelling place. I’m so grateful to know if I can just yield my vessel day by day, His promise is that He can be born in me. I want a heart like Mary had, be it unto me Lord, according to Your Word.
Christmas isn’t about presents, and baking and lights.. Christmas is a reminder that Christ so desperately wants to be born in us, and fulfill His Word in our lives. I can imagine Mary there in that little stable of hay, holding her little promise. What a beautiful way of showing the Lord Jesus you love Him, by accepting His word for your life. Sure, everyone could’ve questioned Mary’s news! It sure didn’t bring a joyous celebration. But there happened to be a little manger that held the Truth that she had believed all along, even though some didn’t believe.
Joseph was just a simple man. The place where Jesus was born was just a tiny and torn apart stable. What a strange way to save the World! Hundreds of babies have been born and become kings all over this world. But only once has a King become a baby. If He would’ve come as He deserved, there wouldn’t have been a Bethlehem, no lowly shepherds.. No significance to Christ being born in a little torn up and troubled heart like mine. He didn’t choose anything glamorous and special. He chose a little barn. And because of that, I know He can be born in me. He could have come in all His glorious array but instead lowered himself to an insignificant stable. He humbled himself to bring eternal life to us.
Each one of us is an Inn Keeper that decides if we have room enough for Jesus. He will never force himself into our hearts but waits with outstretched arms to enfold us into His glorious presence. I’m so thankful as we celebrate this Christmas Day that we can also celebrate the love of Jesus that is shed abroad in our hearts for our families and friends. He is the reason we have love for each other and a hope for a life that extends beyond this world when our time on earth is finished. How wonderful a promise to all of mankind! Merry Christmas to all.