Home For The Holidays

Home For The HolidaysWill you be Home for the Holidays?

I think home for the holidays is defined differently for each of us. My husband and I and some of our children, really whoever is able to go always go to the upper peninsula (U.P.) for Christmas. It isn’t where I grew up, I actually never lived there. It is where my parents retired and I guess the “home” part is simply wherever they are. They have lived in the U.P. for 20 years so it is a tradition now to go there.

We also always have christmas in our home usually before we leave to go up north for the rest of the children. I have just 2 at home, both are adults. It is always an enjoyable time to celebrate. We always read the story in the bible about  the birth of Christ before we open gifts. We take turns opening gifts so we can acknowledge each one. This can take A LONG time! We have christmas music playing in the background and then have a nice dinner together. We have a fireplace in our kitchen and it adds such a nice homey feeling to the atmosphere.

I know for many people, home for the holidays might just be a special memory. Loved ones have passed on and we can no longer share the time with them but we can reminisce about special times in the past. Special gifts that were given are now precious reminders of how much we were loved by that person.

I have lived in 4 different states and celebrated christmas in different climates. An Arizona christmas is very different from a Michigan christmas! The thing that has always been the same has been the love of family gathered together to share a special day and create a memory.

I am currently in the U.P. with my husband and youngest daughter and of course my chocolate lab! We are having an early Christmas so we can be home for the holidays with my daughter and her family from Texas. My Mom gave me my grandmother’s china this morning and it is so exciting to me to have something that was loved and used by someone I loved! Every time I use it I will be reminded of my grandmother but also of my Mom who gave it to me to cherish. I remember using these dishes so many years ago and how much I enjoyed my grandmother’s cooking. She didn’t measure things or follow recipes but she was an amazing cook.

Tomorrow we will head home for the holidays, a 6 hour drive back to lower Michigan. We will began preparing  for the arrival of our daughter and look forward to a special christmas day in which all of my children will be home! Sometimes it’s several years until they are all home at the same time. The house will be filled and all 7 bedrooms in use. It will be a wonderful time and one that doesn’t happen often when we are all home for the holidays.

I think of all those in the military who are serving our country overseas and wishing they could be with family this holiday season. It’s always a blessing to them to send cards and acknowledge our appreciation of their great sacrifices being made for our freedom.
I am grateful that my parents are still living and I have this opportunity to spend time with them and I truly cherish these days. May we all take time during this busy holiday season to express our love and care to those who need it. Home for the holidays, what a wonderful time!

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