Let It Snow, Let It Snow………
Let it snow! It is absolutely breathtakingly beautiful. The snow is coming down very heavily and covering the branches and several inches have accumulated on the ground. The forecast has been changed 3 times. It started at 2 inches then 5-8 and now 6-10 inches before midnight. I am sitting by the fire in our kitchen enjoying the wonderful display of God’s handiwork outside. It is truly one of my favorite things, the first real snowstorm of the season.
I do not have to venture out in the snow today, other than to the barn to feed my animals. It is defintely a 4 wheel drive kind of day where you need that extra traction to make it through the deep snowdrifts on the road until the snowplow comes through.
I think of all the days we need that additional 4 wheel drive of the Holy Spirit to make it through the snowdrifts of trials that threaten to bury us in discouragement. There is a huge difference between getting stuck in a car with 4 wheel drive and one without! Most of the time without it, you get out of your car and start digging snow while braving the elements. With 4 wheel drive you simply push that little button and it engages that mechanism to propel you to safety. That is exactly what the spirit of God does for us when we are stuck. We have access to that special 4 wheel drive of God’s power by pushing that little button called prayer. It gives us immediate access to guide us safely through our trials. God is never too busy to hear us when we pray. He promised to supply our needs and sustains us when we are at our worst.
Waiting for test results can be a very trying time for me. Sometimes the tests are to determine whether you need surgery, sometimes they are after the surgery to wait for pathology results. They are both stressful agonizing waiting periods. I remember when I was really sick and seeing one doctor after another, endless tests and very few answers. One of the tests was a 4 hour test where I had to eat radioactive food and xrays were taken each hour for 4 hours to watch the digestive process. I thought this couldn’t possibly be a good idea! I received the test results only to find out they were inconclusive and I needed to go to the Mayo Clinic where there was more expertise. This was not the answer I was looking for but I pushed that 4 wheel drive button to my Heavenly Father and He helped me navigate through that storm.
Just like this snowstorm today, which has turned into a raging blizzard, the storms we will face during our lives will require a power greater than our own resources. When we know a storm is coming, we make preparations. We have power outages here because of snow, ice, wind….We have a generator that we rely on to give power to our appliances, furnace, well etc.. Sometimes the power outage will last for days and that generator must be reliable for the duration. Our God will be reliable through all the storms we will face and be there for the duration! The snow is now very deep outside but so beautiful! Let it snow……….