Spiritual Touchdowns
The storms are raging and obstacles abound, but the victory end zone lies just ahead
The new year is well under way and I’m just now writing my first post of the year. I had company for 2 weeks over the holidays and then I got very sick. I’m still recovering. When you are sick it’s so easy to get swallowed up in negative emotions. Suddenly everything around you can become negative and force you to examine your thoughts and make them more productive.
It was bitter cold here which takes a toll on us physically. I am always concerned for my animals outside. When the temperature is -20 its simply hard to breathe. I check on them several times throughout the day making sure they have access to the warmth of the barn. After days of the bitter cold, we start longing for a heat wave, when it got up to 18 I felt like summer had arrived!
The days are dark, the cold temperatures are relentless, the sickness…..I knew I had to somehow lift my spirits or I would never be able to cope. I am not really a football fan I honestly do not understand the rules. I can watch hockey and know exactly what is happening, football however makes no sense to me. I picked up my phone as I lay on the couch , trying to recover from a terrible head cold. I was scrolling through a sports website checking hockey scores. I came across the football touchdown highlights of the year. Since I understand touchdowns, I decided to watch it. As I watched the incredible running skills of these players dodging all the blockers and jumping over obstacles and relentlessly running to that prized yard line to score, I began to think differently. Something inside of me knew that I could be inspired to do the same through my trials. I was sick, I was sick of the cold, the long dreary days……but I had all the skills I needed to combat all those things. Those touchdowns weren’t scored by weak unproductive players. They were scored by the ones who were willing to work really hard and do whatever it took to reach that goal. Yes it was hard but the victory in the end zone was sweet.
I couldn’t make myself better but I could stop the negative attitude and be happy about so many other things. We have a fireplace in our kitchen that heats our entire house. I began to really appreciate the warmth of that fire as the blizzard force winds raged outside and snow began accumulating. I was thankful for all the wood my husband cut and had stacked right outside the door for my convenience. So many things I began to just be thankful for instead of focusing on all those obstacles that were bothering me.
The obstacles are all still there but as I think about those players zigzagging around them I am encouraged and empowered to do the same. We do not know what the coming year will hold in store for us. We do know that God knows, and He has provided everything we need to face every trial we will go through. I want to score a spiritual touchdown through every trial!
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