Celebrate You!!!!
No One Else Can Take Your Place
We all have a bucket list of sorts. Things we would like to do and see at some point in our lives. Last night we celebrated one of our daughter’s birthday and I was just thinking about how unique we all are. God has made each of us so different and there is only one you! My youngest daughter made the most beautiful cake for her sister and I just thought how different the 2 girls are but God has blessed them both with unique talents. One is an incredible cook and baker, the other speaks 7 languages.
We played a silly game that involved drawing and we discovered there were definitely no artists among us! One of my daughter’s who wasn’t there, is an amazing artist.
I always wanted to learn to play the piano. I never learned as a child and then raising 7 children didn’t leave much extra time but I still had that desire in my heart. I played several other instruments though. When two of our daughters got married and moved out of state we lost our piano players at church. My husband told me I was the new piano player. What! I knew nothing about the piano. I took a 3 hour class called instant piano and believe it or not I learned enough in that class to teach myself to play. I practiced faithfully and my skills just grew. Yes you can teach an old dog new tricks! I’m not Beethoven but I can play halfway decent now and have been playing at church for a number of years. So don’t worry about being too old to learn something new.
I always had a desire to see the pyramids in Egypt. What were the chances of that ever happening? I thought just watching a national geographic presentation was as good as it would ever get. Then I won an all expense paid trip through the Discovery Channel for a 10 day trip to Egypt for 2 people! It was truly an amazing, unforgettable experience. We traveled throughout the country visiting temples, seeing the pyramids, riding camels on the desert and enjoying the food. A trip of a lifetime. It took place just before the country went into chaos and such instability. I’m so grateful we got to go and the Lord provided a way while it was still safe to do so.
God has given all of us our own special talents and skills and desires. Don’t be afraid to explore every avenue available to you. There is exactly one you! No one else can take your place. You might never be Beethoven or Picasso or Einstein but you possess something so much greater than that when you come to know a God who cares about your every need and promised to supply them. He feels your heart aches and your physical pain. He sees every tear. Take time to explore all that God has meant for you to be in this life. It passes so quickly. Remember, no one can take your place. Celebrate the you, that God created you to be!!!!
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