We Reap What We Sow

Sow Good Things and Reap a Bountiful Harvest

We Reap What We Sow

The garden predators

I have been eagerly watching my garden grow all summer. We planted it in late May and every week you can see the progression of life springing forth. I have tried to diligently weed it so it doesn’t appear to be an overgrown jungle in our yard! It’s so amazing how you can remove all the weeds and the next week they are returning with a vengeance. If I pulled all my plants they would never come back!

I have had to battle with a deer this year. Usually they leave my garden alone but every once in awhile one comes and I’m pretty sure they think I’m okay with sharing my labor with them! The deer ate my beans, okra and sunflowers. So I did some research looking for deer repellent ideas. I bought some Irish spring  soap which works for awhile when the soap is still very fragrant. You tie the soap bars to stakes and place them around the garden. Then I found some deer repellent stakes online that seem to be effective. They are poles that have a zapper on the top and are battery operated. You put some scent on the top that attracts the deer and they get zapped when they touch it. They learn to fear the zapper poles just like a dog with an invisible fence. I definitely haven’t seen as much damage since I installed them.

My next garden predators are my two dogs, my  chocolate labs. Penny is 14 and loves green beans and tomatoes. She picks them herself. My new 8 month old chocolate lab, Sophie is worse. She eats beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini and so far an entire cabbage! So now I’m wondering who I am growing this garden for?

I was thinking about that scripture that some people will bring forth 30 fold, some 60 and some 100. That’s exactly how it is in the garden. One cabbage plant will bring forth exactly one head of cabbage. One corn seed will produce a plant that bears many ears of corn and each corn ear has hundreds of kernels, all from one seed.

Sometimes I think we are capable of producing so much more for God’s kingdom than we are willing to work for. Maybe we are satisfied just producing 30 when we have the ability to produce 100! I would be so disappointed if I planted a corn seed and all it produced was a single kernel of corn in return. I spend a lot of time watering and weeding and nurturing my garden. I literally love pulling weeds, it’s a great stress reliever! After all the time I have spent I expect a healthy harvest in return. I have invested my time in something that is worthwhile and so enjoyable too. There’s nothing like going to the garden and picking fresh vegetables for dinner that have never been sprayed with toxic chemicals.  I wish I could have a year around garden. I believe the Lord is also expecting a great return on His investment in His children. He has provided all our needs and has given His life that we might live eternally. We can strive to produce a life worthy of His sacrifice and be determined to produce 100 fold!

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