Persuaded by the Depths of your Beliefs

Love will defy all Logic and Emotion

Persuaded by the Depths of your BeliefsI believe and know that the coming of the Lord is very near.  The signs are all around us and Bible prophecy is being fulfilled before our eyes. Many have different beliefs about going to heaven and what is required to get there. Some believe a simple confession that Jesus is Lord is all it will take. Others believe repenting and being baptized will be the necessary thing. I believe it will take a life fully surrendered to our glorious saviour and living every moment seeking to please and obey Him. He has provided a blueprint in His living Word with instructions on how to conduct our lives. Man has certainly diluted the scriptures to meaningless words and laws and rituals. But when you really truly KNOW someone, your actions prove it for all to see. When you love someone or something, the depths of your beliefs, defy all logic. When you come into contact with a real bonafide Christian you will know it.

I read a story many years ago about a prominent New York diamond dealer. He had heard of a Dutch merchant who was searching for a particular type of diamond to add to his vast collection. The dealer contacted the merchant and asked him to come to New York and see this diamond. The dealer assigned a salesman to show the merchant the diamond. The salesman presented the diamond and pointed out all the fine qualities and features of the expensive stone. The merchant listened politely but turned away from purchasing the diamond claiming it wasn’t exactly what he was seeking. The merchant began to make his exit when the dealer approached him and asked if he could show him the diamond again. The merchant agreed and the dealer proceeded to tell him how much he admired the stone and that it was incredibly beautiful. He never mentioned any technical aspects. The merchant abruptly changed his mind and purchased the diamond. As he was waiting for the stone to be securely packaged he asked the dealer why he agreed to buy it from him when he had no problem saying no to the salesman.

The dealer told him that the salesman was indeed one of the best in the business and was paid an impressive salary. He told the man the salesman was actually more knowledgeable about diamonds than he himself was. However, he continued to say he would pay the salesman twice as much if he could place in him what he lacked. You see, He KNOWS diamonds, but I LOVE them!

What a powerful story. When you love something it is clear to everyone. Love isn’t some cheap emotion but an all encompassing substance that can change circumstances and bring hope and change lives. When you have experienced the love of God on a personal basis it forever changes you. It makes you want everyone to have what you have. The world is literally going crazy today. The unspeakable things we read in the news and the immoral society that has been created and embraced all around us is a very disconcerting place to live. In the midst of all the chaos, there is still a God who loves His children and waits with open arms to embrace you and give you courage to press on. There is also a very small group of people who are choosing to serve the living God every minute of their lives. When you come in contact with one, you will know you are in the presence of God living in His people. His love will touch the deepest recesses of your heart.

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