Sparkling Words

It Can Be Done! You Can Count On me!

I get up earlier in the morning than I have in many years due to my puppy. I always got up with my children when they were going to school and when I was milking goats. For several years now I have had the luxury of sleeping in. For me sleeping in was 7:30-8:00. I now get up at 5:30-6:00. I have found that I actually like getting up early! I have more hours in my day to get stuff done.

As I was walking my dog at 5:30, it was still totally dark but it wasn’t quiet. As I listened, it sounded like every tree was filled with singing birds. It sounded like an orchestra. It made me pause and reflect. I believe God wants His children to emulate those birds! They were singing before daylight, rejoicing to be alive!

I think about two phrases I hear over and over, why should I? And what’s the use? Those birds don’t use those words and neither should we. Those phrases mark the dividing line between success and failure for millions of people everyday in every circumstance and in every walk of life.

So many people throw in the towel so to speak, when the battle begins. I have heard people swearing at their GPS device when it failed to lead them correctly to their destination. What? Remember back in the good old days when we used roadmaps and had to stop numerous times and ask for directions? We didn’t have cellphones to call we actually had to stop and search for a payphone, and many times get coins to make a call. GPS is absolutely wonderful and I love it, but it’s also faulty and isn’t perfect. When it fails, we need to just focus on the need at hand and pursue finding our destination by other means. We should not utter the words, what’s the use?

Why should I? My kids tell me I always told them because it’s the right thing to do when they said those words to me.  I still believe that’s good advice.  People feel like they don’t want to work one extra minute they aren’t being paid for.  What about that extra mile that reaps heavenly rewards? There might not be another human who witnesses your good deeds but those extra miles are being carefully recorded by our heavenly father.

There are some sparkling phrases to replace what’s the use and why should I. These are phrases that are used by God’s children! It can be done! Or what about you can count on me! Oh how I love to hear those words. It just brings a sense of renewed enthusiasm to your current dilemma and gives you hope again.

When our barn burned down I certainly felt like saying what’s the use. My animals no longer had shelter and the magnitude of the loss was overwhelming. I can happily say though, that in our grief we were still able to mobilize our thoughts in a positive direction and build temporary shelters for the survivors of that horrific fire.

When troubles come and they often come in waves, maintain and confess positive affirmation. Those sweetly singing birds before daylight were certainly an inspiration to me.

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