Because He Lives

Our beliefs are invisible ingredients that become evident in all our activities

Because He LivesEaster was yesterday and I so badly wanted to write. My heart was just overflowing with thoughts of the resurrection celebration. I simply couldn’t find those precious moments I needed to steal away and write. So here is my delayed version!

Easter is truly one of the most joyous of all holidays to Christians because it is a celebration of what we base our salvation on, the resurrection. We know that Jesus not only went to the cross to bear our sins but that tomb remains empty and He continues to live. He is alive and living right here in our midst, in His people. He isn’t just an historical figure but He rose from the dead and He lives!!!

I was humming that song Because He Lives and just meditating on the words.

Because He Lives I can face tomorrow

Because He Lives all fear is gone

Because I know He holds the future

And life is worth the living just because He Lives

They are comforting words but more importantly they are true. There is no one else who can remove your fears and no one else holds your future. You can make plans and strive to make your dreams come true, but you have no control over your future.

We are all following someone whether we admit it or not. We can choose to follow someone whom we admire and desire to emulate but because they are human they will make mistakes. We can always without fail follow the example that Jesus left in His Word and never worry that He has made mistakes. He still speaks to us from eternity. We can rest assured that when we pray, He will answer.

Our beliefs are invisible ingredients that become evident in all of our activities. They make up the fabric of our lives. However strong our beliefs about something, that is how strong and resilient that fabric becomes. I don’t need to have a very lengthy conversation with someone to find out what types of things they believe. It becomes evident as you discuss situations. If their beliefs are based on godly principles, their words will reflect them. They will be conscious of what their heavenly father thinks about their decisions. They will be constantly acknowledging God in all aspects of their lives. They will always be seeking the will of God.

I don’t know how people survive without knowing the precious Lord Jesus personally. He has provided the stability in my life that could not have come from any other source. I have been able to overcome tremendous obstacles because I had the living Lord Jesus at my side, bringing comfort, giving peace that passed all understanding, providing directions to navigate the hardships. I’m just filled with gratitude that He allowed me this glorious opportunity to serve Him in this life that passes like a vapor of smoke. He certainly won’t force anyone to Heaven. Many are called but few are chosen. If you don’t know the Lord Jesus, then search the scriptures and seek to find Him and come to know Him as your dearest friend. He is waiting with open arms to receive you.

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