Dogs not Diamonds are a girl’s Best Friend
Someone just asked me if I was continuing to write my blog. I was actually so shocked when I looked at the last time I had written! Wow. That’s the reason I do not make new years resolutions. I do not think I have the cabability to keep them. I am definitely the world’s greatest procrastinater but that isn’t the reason I haven’t been writing. It just seems like my life is an endless spiral of unforeseen circumstances that can be difficult to navigate at times.
I have a new tumor I’m dealing with, my fourth. I’m not anxious to have surgery and have spent many anxious hours in prayer. It has really zapped my strength and my resolve to press through this trial has been shaken. I also have been literally preparing for heartache, knowing my beloved dog doesn’t have much longer on this earth. Oh what an emotional roller coaster it has been. She has good days and bad days. It makes me have good days and bad days!
So I was really battling a lot of negative thoughts and really unsure of how to get relief from the impending heartache. It was a Sunday afternoon two weeks ago. I came home from church and was spending time with my dog, when my husband asked me if I wanted to go see our friends new puppy. I politely declined. He tried again later in the afternoon to get me to go. Once again, I declined. I told him I would possibly go the following weekend. Finally, he told me that he had bought me a puppy and we needed to go pick it up! What? I couldn’t believe the words I had just heard!
We went to our friends house to pick up our beautiful new 8 week old chocolate lab puppy. Our friends had purchased the brother of our pup and it will be fun watching them grow and interact. My life literally turned upside down that night. It has been 14 years since I’ve had a puppy and I had forgotten how much work they are. Her name is Sophie and she is absolutely adorable but she gets into everything! She can run like the wind and loves shoes. She has made my house resemble the aftermath of a serious storm.
I had no idea my husband was contemplating getting me a puppy. I thought we would wait until after my dog passed away. He knows me so well. He knows how heartbroken I will be and did this to help ease the overwhelming sorrow. I thank God every day for such a wonderful caring husband who loves me so dearly. Every time I am scolding this puppy for her endless mischief, I am also grateful to have her. I have a lot of work ahead of me as I train her to the invisible fence and how to become a respectable dog. It was a tremendous gift and I am hoping for many years of companionship ahead. I hope she is able to absorb some of Penny’s behavior while she is still with us. It was truly a blessing from God and will be a comfort as I press through the trials ahead.