Beginnings. Wow, how many times have we experienced them in our lives? New experiences constantly, relationships, friendships, jobs, babies, travels etc.. always new beginnings. Well today represents a new beginning for me as I explore writing this blog! I want to share with you a life filled with a wealth of experiences that will make you laugh and cry but will give you courage to press through those times of heartache and despair. As a young child I longed to be a reporter, I wanted to see the world and write about how it made me feel. Instead, I quit college after my second year, married my high school sweetheart and began a very different path than the one I had chosen for myself. I came to know and serve a supernatural God who began to change my desires and lead me in ways I never could have imagined! As I reflect on all the new beginnings I have experienced I am truly overwhelmed at all that has transpired in my life! I never got to be that reporter, but instead my life has been filled with so many experiences I believe can be a blessing and encouragement to others. Here are some of the highlights!
I have an awesome husband, we just celebrated our 35th anniversary. He is a pastor and business owner. I have 7 children, believe me I have been there done that! I have had a baby in the car as well as 3 at home with a midwife. I have traveled to 46 of the 50 states, been to Central America 5 times on mission trips and ridden a camel by the Pyramids in Egypt. I have experienced a tragic fire, survived a brain tumor, 13 surgeries and 9 years of serious illness. I have many hobbies, too many actually!
I love my dog, a chocolate lab who has been my dear and loyal companion for almost 13 years. I raise and LOVE goats. I have 2 cats Arthur and Colonel Mustard. I raise chickens that lay green eggs, Dr Seuss was right after all! I love to garden, crochet, cook, take pictures, sew and many more. I greatly do not like to clean! I realize now that most of my kids are off on their own, my house is messier than ever and I realize I am the culprit. Im pretty sure my house swallows things also.
I have 4 grandchildren. I am truly blessed. I am not a computer genius by any stretch but as I learn I will be posting pictures and sharing many tips and things I have learned being a mom, a pastors wife, a friend, a grandma, living on a farm and most of all as a servant of Christ. I have faced many fears and gone thru great trials and heartaches but I know who holds tomorrow and keeps His children in the palm of His very capable hands! I have seen 35 doctors, been to the Mayo clinic, had 6 surgeries, including brain surgery in the past 9 years but I still have a smile on my face and a hope in my heart! I’m starting a new chapter, a new beginning.
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