My Special Place
My Special Place, The Barn!
I look forward everyday to going out to my special place, the barn which isn’t far from the house, and spending time with my animals. My daughter got me two new kittens for my birthday a few weeks ago and there’s nothing cuter than a baby animal. They are both orange and I wondered how I would tell them apart. It soon became apparent that their personalities are very different. Leo, is the more adventurous, spunky one. Oscar, is more timid but is slowly coming out of his shell. As they began to grow, I noticed that Leo has light eyes and Oscar has dark eyes. So now I can immediately tell them apart. They are having a blast in the barn and especially love the hay room.
I still think about my missing cat, Arthur, everyday. Every time I go outside I hope to see him running across the yard. I miss him everyday. Time might help to heal a loss but it will never take away the longing to see that beloved someone again. When I was in the barn today, I was just thinking about all the goats, cats, dogs, sheep, chickens and even a horse that have lived there through the years. Not all in this barn, but in the old barn as well. I thought of all the injuries I dealt with, all the births I assisted with. The countless moments of pure joy I spent out there. It literally made me pause and give thanks to the Lord for His blessings to me. Tears came to my eyes as I remembered so many times being in that barn, kneeling in a stall with a sick goat, crying out to God for mercy and help. Many times I just knelt in prayer surrounded by my goats and their gentle presence.
When I first go in the barn it is quiet, but after I speak to the kittens, the goats all clamor for my attention. After I have fed them and all is calm, the only sound is the quiet munching of 10 goats. I always go and sit on the swing that is stored in the barn during the winter months and spend time with the kittens and my 2 year old cat Colonel Mustard. It is a time of pure bliss for me, the highlight of my day. I absolutely love animals and words are not necessary to communicate with them. Through the years, the barn was always where I sought solitude. I always felt such peace and contentment being with God’s amazing creatures. My children are grown now and there’s no need to seek solace in the barn but it is still my chosen place to sort through life’s endless problems.
We all need that special place to escape to and regroup. My Lord Jesus chose a barn to make His humble appearance on earth. It might not be the most sanitary place to be born but it is a remarkable place to dwell. There is comfort, Joy and peace amongst the animals that can help restore our sanity. I feel like they are steady friends, not subject to wild emotional upheavals.
We all need that special place to escape to and take the necessary time to relax and prepare for the next trial. It might not be a barn for you but wherever it is, take the time to find your answers from the One who can provide them.