
Boast not Thyself of Tomorrow, for Thou knowest not what a Day may bring forth.

TomorrowLast night I had dinner with my youngest daughter before heading to church. As we were driving she was telling me about a 15 year old girl that had been killed the day before by a train. She had been walking on the tracks and hit and killed right in our little town.  It was quite shocking and so sad to think about. We turned the corner to go to church when my daughter looked out the window she remarked “that’s weird, the train is stopped”. The freight trains regularly pass through town and rarely if ever, stop. As we pondered why it was stopped, and also reflecting on our conversation about the girl dying, emergency sirens sounded in the distance. As we watched we saw the flashing red and blue lights of firetrucks and police cars. We pulled over to the side and the emergency vehicles  stopped directly across from us.  The firemen jumped from the truck and started running toward the stopped train as they pulled gear on. As we proceeded to church we saw numerous flashing lights along the train tracks and knew something was terribly wrong. We couldn’t find any information online about the incident.

After church as we were driving home my daughter found an article online that said a man had been killed on the tracks at 645. Two people killed in 3 days along the same area of train tracks!  Wow. How incredibly sad and very disconcerting.

When I woke up this morning all I could think about was the tragedy that had just transpired and that tomorrow would never come for those two individuals. All can be going well in your life but in just moments it all can change. We truly take way too much for granted. In just the blink of an eye an ordinary day can turn fatally upside down. Naturally, I wondered if these two victims knew our Lord. They were now facing eternity and where were they going? What about the families, friends and loved ones left behind? What about the drivers of those trains that were helpless to stop those massive vehicles from destroying those lives? How will they cope with the aftermath of those tragic deaths? So many questions and so many will go unanswered.

Sometimes we have such a hard time just coping with everyday life. I know sometimes I feel like a hamster running on a wheel and there’s no exit. There are no answers, just more problems. The harder I try to fix something the worse it becomes.  I know we are at the threshold of eternity. I know this world in all of its corruption can’t last much longer.

As I think of this tragic situation  I also think of how much we need to do to help others find the protection and security of almighty God. He can bring peace out of chaos, and lead you to answers to all of your questions.

Man’s knowledge has become quite impressive. We can split atoms, program bombs, transplant organs, explore and explain outer space,….. However, when it comes to tomorrow, our knowledge plunges to zero. Whoever you are, you have no knowledge and no promise of tomorrow.  No amount of knowledge or money will buy you a tomorrow. Today while you have breath in your lungs, embrace the goodness of our God.

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