The sweet melody of love
Today is an absolutely beautiful summer day in November! It is 76 degrees outside and the grass is green and the sun is shining. If the leaves weren’t in their lovely fall colors you would think it was the middle of summer. Sometimes it is snowing on this first day in November.
This is a truly special day for me. The weather has nothing to do with it. Thirty six years ago on this day in history I walked down the aisle to marry the love of my life. I remember the snowflakes lazily falling and the overcast skies. The joy of having my grandmothers make the long road trip from Pennsylvania to attend the ceremony. So many memories from that wonderful day but more important, the wonderful marriage that came from that point until now. Truly it has been through sickness and health. We definitely know all about financial hardships and the joys and perils of raising children! I could write a book about all the experiences I have had and how to avoid some of the heartaches that were not necessary if I had only known better.
I was only 16 when I started dating my husband. I will never forget that day when I knew that I knew at 16 years old that he was the one. Many people have asked me through the years how I knew he was the one. I could answer from my heart, I knew I couldn’t live without him. I would miss him everyday if we couldn’t be together. I was young and had stars in my eyes and a dream to be a reporter and see the world. There was a yearning in my heart though that was stronger and prevailed in the end. I married my husband and together we began our journey together as we sought to serve the Lord in the fullness of His truth.
When I think back through the years, the trials, the surgeries, the heartaches….I also reflect on the victories, the triumphs, the healing, the courage that kept us going. I am truly grateful to the God who has given us everything we need. He keeps us from destroying ourselves with our own thoughts. He always opens doors that seemingly have no keys. Oh how I wish everyone could see what a privilege it is to be able to serve the God who created all things. The God who cares about our smallest need.
As we celebrate this milestone in our lives today it is with incredible gratefulness to our God. I don’t know where I would be today or what I would place value in if not for the stability He brings to my life. We live in such perilous times in a very unstable world that places no value in God. I am so glad that this world is only a passing through place. This is not my final home. Oh how I’m longing for that place where there will be no more tears no more sorrows no more surgeries or pain. It’s truly sounding sweeter every day!
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