God’s Superglue
The Bonds of Love
I have been going through a lot of emotional upheavals in my mind as I mourn the loss of my cat. I have expressed my gratitude to the Lord for the wonderful memories I have. I’m thankful the Lord allowed Arthur to be a part of my life for such a brief time. I know the Lord wants to hear us sing and praise Him through our storms. It’s hard sometimes and I know He understands when I burst into tears as I thank Him for this trial.
You feel very overwhelmed when loss takes something or someone from you. I remember the incredible sense of loss I felt when our barn burned to the ground. I will never forget my husband’s words as we knelt in tears before the Lord and he said “the Lord gives and he takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord”. It was a very devastating ordeal to go through. It didn’t just last for the duration of the fire but over the course of the next 2 years. When the new barn was finished and operational we could rejoice in the strength God had given us to endure the tremendous heartache.
I was reading a story about a detective that was so dedicated to her job that her coworkers nicknamed her Superglue. She literally would not give up until each case was solved and the criminals were behind bars.
I thought immediately of how I want to be that connected to my heavenly Father ! Just like superglue. My life will constantly be filled with obstacles to overcome and what better way to overcome than to have God himself be my closest ally? The scriptures say it best, He is closer than a brother. We can confide in our friends and family, but no one knows the inexpressible ache in your heart except God himself. No one can give you peace except Him. No one can bring comfort in times of sorrow like almighty God.
I read that superglue can adhere to a car weighing more than 2 tons and be lifted by a crane and the bond will not break! Wow that is a really strong bond! I have come to know a living God that also has that strong bond with His children that cannot be broken. His love encompasses every heartache, disease, financial burden, etc…. nothing can separate us from His love.
I remember when my oldest son was a toddler and truly mimicked the behavior of Dennis the menace! He superglued his socks to his feet. I will never forget the agonizing time of removing those socks without removing the skin. I can also look back through countless heartaches and overwhelming trials and be encouraged that the same God who helped me then is helping me now. He is drawing us closer and preparing us for eternity. It’s hard to imagine a life without pain or heartache. Our human minds cannot comprehend it. I just want to let the superglue of His great love make me ever stronger.