Clear Directions
Read the directions. Then follow them!
I was thinking today how God always gives clear instructions and we do not need to wonder about His motives! It’s always for our good. He clearly told Jonah to go to Ninevah, not just any old city. He told Mary she was going to have a baby by a supernatural event, no human would be involved. He told Adam to name the animals, nobody else gave him ideas! I could list example after example of the clear, concise instructions that God gives to His children.
I read a funny story about miscommunication many years ago and I wanted to share that today. It just proves how easily we mess up messages that need to be conveyed properly and we add or take away details, creating unnecessary dilemma.
Here is the story:
A colonel issued this directive to his executive officer:
Tomorrow evening at approximately 2000 hours, Halley’s Comet will be visible in this area, an event which occurs only once every 75 years. Have the men fall out in the battalion area in fatigues, and I will explain this rare phenomenon to them. In case of rain we will not be able to see anything, so assemble the men in the theater and I will show them films of it.
Executive officer to commander:
By the order of the colonel, tomorrow at 2000 hours, Halley’s Comet will appear above the battalion area. If it rains fall the men out in fatigues, then march to the theater where the rare phenomenon will take place, something that occurs only once every 75 years.
Company commander to lieutenant:
By order of the colonel in fatigues at 2000 hours tomorrow evening, the phenomenal Halley’s Comet will appear in the theater. In case of rain in the battalion area, the colonel will give another order, something which occurs once every 75 years.
Lieutenant to Sergeant:
Tomorrow at 2000 hours, the colonel, in fatigues, will appear in the theater with Halley’s Comet, something which happens every 75 years. If it rains, the colonel will order the Comet into the battalion area.
Sergeant to Squad:
When it rains tomorrow at 2000 hours, the phenomenal 75 year old General Halley, accompanied by the colonel, will drive his Comet through the battalion area theater in fatigues.
I laughed when I read this of course, but the message is clear. We like to exaggerate when we tell stories, maybe adding details that only exist in our minds. Or maybe we leave out details that could change the significance. What difference does it make? When we look at the flip side then we can see the difference it makes. When your doctor gives you false information because of a filing error with another’s patient’s report, it can change your life! I know people who literally thought they were dying because they were incorrectly informed. What about that salesman who makes promises about the reliability of that brand new car? It turns out to be the worst vehicle you ever bought. Even more importantly, what about that minister that tells you that every word of the bible isn’t significant? That we can pick and choose what we want to obey? God left us very clear directions in His precious Word. We can’t only do the “fun stuff”. We need to take very seriously every word that is written in the bible and know that the author is still the same. He doesn’t change and still expects His children to follow diligently.