Don’t Judge A Book By Its Cover
What Is Inside That Giant Egg!
A few days ago I went out to the barn to gather the daily assortment of eggs. My chickens lay brown, white, green, blue and pink eggs. I am averaging 18-24 a day right now. In one of the laying boxes was a gigantic egg! I just stared at it for a few minutes, afraid to reach for it! All I could think about was what had invaded my chicken pen? A dinosaur? An ostrich? A super chicken on steroids? The egg was so large I didn’t see how a chicken could possibly have produced it.
I took it in the house and took pictures. Then I placed it gently in the frig for further consideration! It had a slight crack so I knew we wouldn’t eat it but I wasn’t ready to open it either.
After a few days of being jostled about in the frig, it started to leak so I knew I had to open it. I gently cracked it open and spilled the contents into a bowl. Enclosed in the giant egg was a normal size egg with a shell on it and a single yolk. Wow was that weird. I have never seen anything like this before.
In the days before I cracked open that egg, I imagined all sorts of things that could possibly be inside it. I thought there could be 3 yolks or even possibly four, due to the immense size. I thought of a possible monster size yolk. My thoughts were endless and also fruitless. I simply didn’t know what was on the inside and no matter how much I assumed or imagined, I could not know until it was revealed.
How often do we judge a book by its cover? It could have a beautiful scene on the cover and appear so enticing to read. In reality it could be the most ridiculous story. On the other hand, I have picked up books that were so worn and no dust cover, just plain binding. The book contained such valuable life changing words that forever made a lasting impression.
We tend to judge each other the same way. When a well dressed person driving a fancy car enters the room, we all sit up a little straighter. We are assuming that person somehow is worth more because of an outward appearance. In reality, that person could be the most bad tempered, rude and inconsiderate person in the city!
Then there is the widow who was left practically penniless when her husband died. She will extend a helping hand and give abundantly from her meager possessions. She possesses something inside that is more valuable than all the wealth of the entire world!
We need to be more patient when viewing just the outside. We can only know what the book contains by reading it. We can only know the heart and intentions of someone by spending time and connecting with the inside.
My imagination went wild for a few days concerning the giant egg. In every single instance, my thoughts were way off base. Only God knew what was contained inside that shell. Only God knows what is contained inside the heart of each one of us. Don’t judge a book by its cover!