Who Are My Ancestors?
I Want To Reflect My Heavenly Father
I have been scanning my Dad’s photographs and slides onto my computer so that I can make him a cd (many cds) that he can quickly view. There are thousands of pictures.
I was doing a section from my childhood in Arizona. I came across many camping pictures. I absolutely hate camping! My idea of camping is carpet, hot water and air conditioning! However, as a child, we went camping all the time. I have camped all the way from southern Arizona to northern Wyoming and everywhere in between. I have seen breathtaking scenery but the camping part was not for me.
I remember one night we were camping on the desert in Arizona. We were sleeping in our camper when our dog started frantically barking outside. I will never forget the loud bang of the gunshot that killed the rattlesnake trying to attack our dog. My Dad held a flashlight with one hand and the gun with the other. I came across the picture where the dead snake was hanging on a stick.
Then I came across pictures from before I was born. There was a picture of my great grandmother, who was a Delaware Indian. The Delaware indians lived in Pennsylvania. I am always asking questions to my Mom and Dad about the past. I have always had a yearning to know who my ancestors were. Where did they come from? What were their names? Hobbies? Where did they live? The more questions I asked, the more I wanted to find answers.
My aunt had done some research and gave it to me. She had interviewed all of the existing relatives that she knew about. I decided I was going to dig deeper. My goal is to go back to the Mayflower.
So I started researching using ancestry.com. I discovered so much that I didn’t already know. My great grandmother, the Indian, was named Seebow. I could only speculate how they came up with that name! I was able to read census records, marriage and death certificates, military records… it was truly a treasure trove of information. The more I delved into it, the more my family tree started to grow! I learned things about my mom and dad’s ancestors on both sides and happily shared it with them. I am working both sides of this tree and it takes a lot of time. I am just back before the civil war right now.
It is so exciting to me to find out who I’m related to! A lot of people don’t care but I believe certain characteristics are passed down through the generations.
I know who I am related to spiritually, and it means everything to me! I know who my Heavenly Father is and I can trace my ancestry all the way back to the garden of Eden. I know the generations of believers that have passed on before me and the characteristics they displayed in the pages of the bible. I don’t have to use a computer website to generate a family resemblance! I know that I will be a reflection of my Father to this lost and dying world.