Persistence Pays
Persist! Most Things Are Attainable!
The weather has suddenly turned very hot here. I was wondering when summer was coming, so I could plan when to plant my garden. The daytime temperatures were in the 70’s but at night it was still dipping into the 40s and sometimes there were still frost warnings. It has to stay at 55 degrees at night or above in order for seeds to germinate. So we perused the calendar looking for a good weekend to plant the garden. To me a good weekend, is when I can recruit help!
We chose Memorial Day. It looked like good weather and 3 of my daughter’s would be available to help plant. Well of course the forecast changed and the entire weekend was predicted to be rainy. We can’t get the tractor in the garden when it’s raining so once again we changed our plans. We had to do it last night.
I only had one daughter and a friend to help and it was blistering hot. My husband tilled the garden and made the rows. His rows are perfectly straight! When I used to do the rows it was evident that I never did very well in geometry!
We began planting, alternating rows of plants and seeds. When we were about halfway, I was sweltering hot. I felt lightheaded and I honestly didn’t know if I could finish. I told myself I would just finish it in the morning by myself. As I looked at all the empty rows to be filled, I changed my mind. Persistence. It pays. I figured the dividends would be so much greater, working with helpers, that I would forget the price it was costing me.
I kept at it until it was finished! Oh what a relief to have it done. I was exhausted and really beat from the heat, but my project was done. The extremely hot weather we are having will help the seeds to quickly germinate and before long, phase 2 begins, weeding! I actually enjoy weeding. I find it’s good therapy to yank those pesky weeds out. I love to be outside. My cats and dog are always within a few feet of the garden. The birds are sweetly singing all around me. My goats are all visible in the pasture. Gardening is a favorite activity, but I have to keep at it very persistently all summer. The weeds all have a revelation of persistence!
I was thinking of how persistent the Lord is with us. He keeps patiently forgiving us, no matter how awful our mistakes are. We don’t have to worry about someone coming along and trying to talk Him out of developing us! He has promised in His infallible Word to finish the work He has started in us. I know everything the Lord does is beautiful and it’s also complete. He isn’t going to leave us in an unfinished state!
Sometimes it’s hard to keep pursuing something because of the physical, mental, emotional toll it takes on us. I just want to possess that patient persistence the Lord has displayed towards me, in all that I put my heart to accomplish.
Persistence pays big dividends!