God Has Made This Trial A Blessing

From The Ashes Emerged A Beautiful Barn

God Has Made This Trial A Blessing

When we go through trials, we just want them to end. When that trial ends, a new one begins. After the fire I just longed for a new barn. My animals did not have adequate protection for the winter and I had no idea at the time but it would be 2 full years before the new barn was finished.

We had to wait weeks for all the insurance claims to be finalized. Then we were able to hire someone to do the massive clean up. I was so relieved when all the rubble had been cleared away. Until that happened and even for several months afterwards, the burning smell remained.

It was really bad when it rained and to this day, that smell of burning wood brings back painful memories. We then began designing our new barn. We wanted to have a garage which we had never had with the old barn. We planned out every detail, planning the barn of our dreams. Since we had to rebuild we decided to get exactly what we wanted.

Once the plans were drawn, we had to find a builder. It was quite a challenge to find someone who could build the barn that we wanted. It is 10,000 square feet. It looks like a big red old fashioned barn, but is absolutely beautiful inside too. Once we found a builder, we found out he couldn’t begin the huge project for 3 months.

It was October when the actual walls started going up. We made many changes as the building was constructed. Due to weather and other delays, the barn wasn’t completed for 2 years since the day of the fire.

I lost several goats due to the harsh winters and something, possibly a weasel killed all of my chickens. It was very difficult trying to make everything work as best we could. I was so relieved and so grateful when the new building was finished and my animals moved into their new state of the art facility! All the struggles of the past 2 years faded away as we enjoyed the beautiful new barn.

I am thankful every day when I go outside to take care of my animals. In the bitter cold winter, my animals are warm and secure. I have a room where I can over winter plants which brings great joy. It is so much greater than the old barn and I never could have imagined we would ever have such a wonderful new barn. There is a scripture in the bible that says the Lord will give us abundantly above all that we could ever ask or think. This barn is definitely fulfilling that scripture to me!

It was a long, hard trial. I felt like I was on an emotional roller coaster. I was overwhelmed with grief after the fire and then forced to deal with great hardships for the next 2 years. I learned that no matter how tough things get, the Lord always makes a way.  He provides everything you need to endure and gives needed strength that you know can only come from Him.

He made this horrible trial a great blessing.

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