Stand Out!!!
Break Every Chain Of Mediocrity That Confines You
Today is May 15th and a few hours ago it was snowing. It is supposed to be getting warmer and spring should be here, not snow and weather in the 30s! I was thinking that a few months from now, this day will stand out in our memory as (hopefully) the last time we saw snow before next winter!
Then I was noticing the blooming flowers and trees in the yard and one of them really stands out above the others. It’s not only beautiful but it has the most wonderful fragrance. The lilacs lovely aroma just permeates the entire yard. Some of the flowers are pretty but they have no fragrance. I realized that it’s the differences that make some stand out, not the similarities.
God has made a very vast variety of people. We all have different gifts and talents. We are living in many different conditions and situations. Some of us stand out and some of us just get swallowed in the crowd of mediocrity. I don’t believe the Lord ever did anything in a mediocre way. Everything He created was extraordinary.
Some of the fish in the ocean are so brightly colored in neon shades. The mountains in their great splendor are breathtaking to behold. The cactus on the desert, thriving through the heat of summer and relishing the cold winter nights. Yes these were not mediocre thoughts God had in His mind when He created these things. They each stand out!
I believe as His children we also need to stand out. Not in a flamboyant, rebellious way, but in a way that when others think of us, they think of how our lives reflect our values. We value things that are good, positive, uplifting, worthy to pursue, etc…We are striving to stand out above the hopelessness, the despair, the powerless thoughts, etc…
I read a quote by Nancy Ruffin I want to share. It says perfectly what I believe we should be striving for. “I will teach my daughter to color outside the lines, to make mistakes, to take risks, and not be afraid to fail. I will teach her that even when the world tries to knock her down, the best revenge is getting up and forging ahead. I will teach her to be brave enough to be different, to stand up for what’s right. To never quiet her voice to make someone else feel comfortable. Because no one remembers the person that fits in. It’s the one who stands out that people won’t be able to forget.”
Sometimes we allow thoughts of defeat to defeat us before we ever pursue a dream or explore an opportunity. We need to never limit ourselves to what we can’t do! We need to empower ourselves with the tools and resources that we possess.
I never tire of reading stories about people that overcame tremendous obstacles to reach goals. There is a book called Life without Limits, written by a man without limbs. It is an amazing story that will make you realize how much potential you possess, just by having arms and legs.
We need to dream, explore, Stand Out!!!