Life Has No Remote

Life Has No Remote, You Need To Get Up And Change It

Life Has No Remote

Change is hard for me. I have a really hard time with change.  I just want things to stay the same because I have learned to live with them that way.  My car is 10 years old and has 170,000 miles on it. Some people would be looking  for a new car. Not me. I love my car! The only way I would get a new one was if I could still buy the same model of car. Unfortunately they don’t make it anymore so I will most likely drive it until it dies. I don’t want another car, I don’t like change.

We put an addition on our home 23 years ago and I have been happy and content with my beautiful kitchen all these years. However, my carpet and flooring need replaced and I am forced to look for a replacement. I have literally been looking at samples for months and have come to the realization that I really don’t know what I want. I bring samples home and throw them on the floor for a few days to see which ones I like. The conclusion is that I like the floor I already have! So it has been a frustrating process.  I have finally made my decisions about which tile is going in which room and choosing carpet will be the final piece of the puzzle.

I remember when I was growing up and we were watching TV we actually had to get up, cross the room and change the channel. Now, remotes take all the hard work out of choosing channels and do other things as well. Change. It is inevitable and you have to change to survive in this world.

I remember when I got married, my life changed dramatically overnight. It was an adjustment that took time. Even though it was a good change, it was a life change.

When I had my first baby, again a dramatic life change. When my lovely children turned into teenagers, wow that was also a life change. You learn to overcome the changes in your life by either viewing them positively or negatively.  You have to pray really hard to be positive about teenage years!

I have found that despite all the curve balls life throws at you there is a way to balance the ever changing scenarios you will face. We have a God who doesn’t change. The stability He offers us won’t change, even though our circumstances are constantly changing. Sometimes I feel like I’m on a highway and the cars are speeding by so fast and there are no exits. I feel like I’m being swallowed by adversity.

The only thing that keeps me grounded in this ever changing world, is my relationship with my never changing God. He is always there, always dependable and always positive!

I love being able to read my bible and encourage myself to go forward. I don’t need to call anyone on my modern cell phone but rather pick up that precious book that has encouraged millions through the ages.

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