Thriving Or Just Surviving?
Do You Have The Resilience Of A Dandelion?
I was checking my flowerbeds to see how my plants survived the winter. It was a mild winter compared to most and I’m really not sure what to expect. Some plants need the bitter cold weather and even the snow covering them. Others would do better if it wasn’t so cold. Here’s what I found, there were some thriving and some just surviving.
I expected my roses to really thrive due to the mild winter. That isn’t the case. Some are and some aren’t. Two winters ago was one of the coldest on record and not one rose bush died!
I continued my quest to check for survivors. When I finished walking through all the flower beds I then surveyed the yard. Unfortunately my yard is filled with thriving and robust dandelions! I was pretty discouraged as I walked around the property and saw thousands of dandelions.
My parents had stopped by on their way home from Florida and I told them how frustrating it is to have so many dandelions. They are everywhere! I won’t spray because of the chemicals that can endanger my animals.
My Mom told me that dandelions were my grandmother’s favorite food! What? She told me about an old Pennsylvania dutch recipe that they made growing up. It has bacon and a few other ingredients that you cook and then pour over the dandelion greens. It is important to pick them before they flower because they turn bitter. She told me after my grandmother had moved to the city in her older years, her friends would bring her dandelion greens by the bagful. My dad picked a bowl for me and my project tomorrow will be re creating my grandmother’s recipe.
I then learned a few fun facts about dandelions. Every part of the plant is useful, including roots, leaves and flowers. It is a rich source of vitamins A, C and K. It is high in iron, calcium and potassium. It has been used for centuries to treat infections and liver disorders. It cleanses the bloodstream. A seed can travel up to 5 miles before it reaches the ground.
I thought how funny it is that something we all detest in our yard can actually have such value. I even read that people used to pull grass out of their yard to make more room for dandelions!
I have a friend that repeatedly says “I’m surviving” when I ask how she’s doing. It’s always bothered me. I think when we’re going through a rough trial it’s ok to feel like we are just surviving. On a daily basis though I think God wants us to be just like those resilient dandelions. They don’t seem to be affected by the severity of the winter. They are thriving in my yard! If someone sprays their yard to kill them, they aren’t deterred by that either. They simply travel up to 5 miles down the road to a new location! I believe that’s what God is expecting from His children. We need to be thriving not just surviving.
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