
He’s Creating A Masterpiece!

MasterpieceDid you ever create a masterpiece? Something so incredible that others just sat back and marveled at your creation? Maybe it wasn’t art, maybe a musical piece that took years  of practice to master it’s magnificence. Maybe it was a construction project that made every other worker envy your skill. Maybe a photograph that captured such clarity that it evoked strong emotions in its viewers. There are literally so many things we can consider to be a masterpiece. We are all familiar with Picasso, Monet, Beethoven, Bach etc… Their names are synonymous with greatness, with leaving a legacy of masterpieces.

I was reading about Michelangelo. He had a vision about Moses and what he looked like.  He began carving out the image in his mind in a piece of marble. He was a true artist who had a rare and tremendous gift to create lovely things. He worked on his Moses creation painstakingly hammering out the image until the reality emerged. I recently saw a picture of it and the detail is just incredible. I couldn’t draw the image on a piece of paper let alone create it out of a block of marble!

When I was in Georgia last week taking pictures of a beautiful sunset the thought just came to me that this was a true masterpiece. Man, in his finite ability could never rival the creation of the magnificent sunset that appeared on the horizon that night over the Atlantic.  It just unfolded in great beauty as I snapped the shutter dozens of times.

The following morning I once again couldn’t get the masterpiece scenario out of my head.  I examined the tiny sea creatures that washed up on the beach. The various shells that were discarded from their previous owners and now available to the beachcombers. I studied the great variety of blooming flowers near the beach. The intricate detail and variety of color once again announced, masterpiece!

I thought about God and the amazing creation He has made. I’ve been a lot of places, traveled quite extensively. Glacier National Park is a place so beautiful it will take your breath away. I sailed on the Nile River in Egypt at sunset and it is a memory I will always cherish. The rain forest in Costa Rica, wow! Only God could create such variety and such beauty!

My next thought was, what is God’s greatest masterpiece? The answer is me! It’s you! It’s man whom He created in His own image! When I think of God in His perfect state with His perfect love for everyone, it’s staggering to think that He is creating a reflection of Himself here in this present world. He is giving us the opportunity to become that masterpiece that the world looks at and marvels!

Someone had a dream where they saw a group of people sitting around a huge cauldron where a figure was dipping something in the cauldron. He pulled it out and it was beautiful and the people murmured at how lovely it was. The figure slowly shook his head and dipped it back in the cauldron. He said “it’s not perfect yet, I only want to see my own reflection” The figure in the dream represents God and we are that object. He is putting us through fiery trials that we might become more like Him. We will be that reflection He is seeking, that Masterpiece! More beautiful than any sunset, more amazing than anything He has created.  We will be that image in His mind!

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