Take Our Time And Enjoy The Time We Take

Enjoy The Simple Pleasures

Take Our Time And Enjoy The Time We TakeSpring. A breath of fresh air. A time of renewal. The plant world is coming alive again. It’s so exciting to see the daily progress of leaves budding and new growth emerging from the soil. Each new rain storm brings forth fresh growth.

We have new chicks in the barn. It’s always a joy to have fresh new life in the barn. Some of my goats are getting older and my chickens are all different ages. There’s just something  so precious about a brand new animal, a fresh new start! To watch them grow each day. They are just fluffy little chicks now but in just a few weeks they will have feathers and double in size. In five short months they will be laying eggs. The time is just flying by it seems.

I read a quote that said ” take our time, and enjoy the time we take”. I thought, how profound, that is so true. It seems like most of the time I’m rushing to get something done so I can  cross it off the never ending list so I can rush through the next item. Where are the good old days where we sat on the porch and drank lemonade and actually visited with friends? We actually had conversations! Not only did we talk to one another but we actually cared about our friends and neighbors!

Many of us don’t even know our neighbors anymore. The world we live in isn’t conducive to such a thing. People come and go and we never make the effort to welcome them or say more than a passing hello.

It’s so refreshing when someone reaches out to you and genuinely makes an effort to let you know they care. I was very sick for several months and our new barn was under construction. I barely had enough strength to check on its progress but I will never forget the act of kindness given to me by the builder of our barn. He came by one day with his wife and they presented a quilt to me, that their church had made. It was such a beautiful gesture from people I barely knew. That kindness will forever be remembered.

It’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of this life but oh to take time to just enjoy the simple pleasures we once held dear. To put away those pesky cell phones and listen to the birds singing or simply watching God’s beautiful creation come alive this spring.

My favorite time of day in the summer is the early morning. I go out on the porch with my coffee and just sit in my rocking chair and just enjoy! My dog is laying by my feet, my cats Arthur and Colonel Mustard are close by. My garden is in front of me, in all its colorful splendor.  It’s a peaceful  lovely time and place to take time to just enjoy.

Sometimes I wish we could turn back the clock and re live some of those times. For now, I’m going to enjoy those fluffy little chicks and focus on the simple pleasures that bring such joy.

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