
There Is A Land Beyond The River!


We went on a little short ( but lots of driving) trip for Easter weekend. My husband was preaching in a little town in Ohio and it was about a 5 hour drive. I love road trips and I love to drive. I always keep my camera close. You never know when you will see that unexpected photo opportunity that words simply cannot describe.

We were going to visit dear friends whom we have known for more than 30 years. There is nothing like old friends! They have known you for many years and still like you! It’s always such a pleasure to see one another and catch up. Their daughter has spent family vacations with us and spent many weekends in our home.  She calls me her second mom. She is truly like a daughter to me. It makes me smile to just remember all the wonderful times we have had. Sometimes laughing so hard we felt we needed pain killers to ease the aching stomach muscles.

It was a whirlwind weekend and before I knew it, we were on our way home. As we were driving I was listening to a cd that talked about being homesick for heaven. I thought to myself, that’s exactly how l feel right now. It’s so hard to say goodbye to your beloved friends and we don’t know when we will see each other again. Months?  Years?  Oh but there is a place in another dimension where we will never say goodbye! We won’t be looking at the clock, estimating our driving time to get home either. We can stay for indefinite periods of time, because time as we know it won’t exist anymore.

We won’t be tired or sick or angry. It is something we can’t even fathom in our earthly minds. Yes I am homesick for heaven. No more trials, no more pain! No more bills!!!!

We always look forward to going home after being away. We might have the greatest relaxing vacation but truly there is no place like home. You know where everything is and it’s set up exactly how you want it. It is your comfort zone.

I think that’s why we, as Christians are longing to go home. Home to be with our family in Christ. We will celebrate together the joys of eternity. We are homesick for a place we have never been. Something inside of us just knows how incredible it will be.

They say most accidents happen within 25 miles of home. I have always found that to be such a sad statistic. To be almost home and then get in an accident and never arrive at your destination.  I watch people I have known for years turn their backs on Christ in exchange for the glittery allure of the world. I just pray they will become homesick for that land beyond the river where we never grow old and our tears will be wiped away.

We’re almost home. Buckle your spiritual seat belt and hang on for those last few miles. The glowing lights of Glory are beckoning us home.

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