Then Came The Morning

Would God still love the world? I believe He would

Then Came The MorningOh glorious resurrection morning! It’s hard to believe it’s Easter already. The year is truly flying by. I have been sick for nearly a week and I’m so glad the Lord has provided healing. So thankful this morning as I reflect on a loving God who laid down His life that we could have life. That we could be free from our sins. That we could be free from ourselves.

I just bought a new music cd from dear friends I haven’t seen for many years but I love their music and their awesome gift of writing and performing music. I want to share the lyrics to one of their songs that I just couldn’t stop listening to. It provokes a thought about how the world  is in such a deplorable sinful condition. Bearing that in mind, would Jesus still make the same decision to go to that cross up on that hill and suffer and die. To see how many have rejected Him in this day. There is less and less respect for God and we know the end of time as we know it, is at the door.

This song is very moving as you contemplate such a love that demanded nothing yet gave its all. Here are the words:

Rejected, by the world He came to save.
Mocked, as they turned and walked away.
But Jesus, with the burden of their sins,
Chose the road to Calvary,
Although He knew where it would end.

Would God still love the world?
Would He still send His only son?
To pay the greatest sacrifice, after all that man has done.
Would the Angels still stand by?
Watch Him suffer where the cross once stood,
Would God still love the world?
I believe He would.

Sentenced, by man that He had made.
The hands He had created, drove nails in His that day.
So I wonder, with the way things have been..
If the choice was put before Him,
Would He do it all again?

Would God still love the world?
Would He still send His only son?
To pay the greatest sacrifice, after all that man has done.
Would the Angels still stand by?
Watch Him suffer where the cross once stood,
Would God still love the world?
I believe He would.

Yes! I believe He would. I believe that when He looked ahead through time and saw the terrible state the world would be in, His love for His own led him to that cross that day. It is a glorious gift He has given us and one to be treasured not just today when we honor the resurrection but everyday. No matter what we have ever done, He paid the debt for that deed. It’s hard for me to even fathom that kind of sacrifice. We can barely stand it when someone takes credit for something good we have done! To forget about something painful and forget it too? Yes that’s what He did.

Take your burdens and bury them today at the foot of the cross. Don’t dig them up.  Leave them buried there where they belong. That old rugged cross will become a treasured symbol of the freedom He provided on that long ago resurrection morning.

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