We Are In The Season Of The Coming Of The Lord
The Lord Is Coming Soon!
The weather has been so strange this winter, we never know what to expect. We had a 12 inch snowstorm last week that made us long for spring. Then we had a few balmy days in the 50’s and then 8 more inches of snow yesterday. It makes us really really anxious for spring. I keep watching the bird feeder to catch a glimpse of a Redwing blackbird. They are among the first to return to Michigan after the winter. Or maybe a Robin hopping around the yard in search of worms.
I was thinking about the changing seasons and how much we look forward to each one. Right now we want spring to come. We are weary of the long gloomy winter days and being cooped up inside. Spring is truly a breath of fresh air. Opening the windows to let in those fresh spring breezes. Or going outside and examining the ground for new green growth poking through the soil. Then summer comes with warmer glorious sunny days and all of the outdoor activities we enjoy. Gardening, baseball, swimming, tennis, hiking, camping, etc… Then after the long hot summer we are eagerly awaiting fall and the beautiful colors that appear magically on the trees. The crisp fall evenings we enjoy sitting by a bonfire. Then winter comes again, and some of us are actually looking forward to that first snowfall. Watching those lazy flakes drift aimlessly down from the sky is always a pleasure. Then we have to build a fire everyday to heat the house and although we enjoy the fire and the heat it becomes a chore and we are longing for spring again!
The changing seasons are definetly something we anticipate. I’m grateful to be able to have 4 seasons instead of just 2 like some locations. As I was pondering the changing seasons I am reminded that we are also in the season of the coming of the Lord.
Truly the signs are all around us. We see bible prophecy being fulfilled. As I read the news it just makes me long for that day when the Lord returns to catch away His bride. The world is becoming more chaotic and unstable everyday. The respect for God is waning in these last days.
We see the natural disasters, the floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, fires, etc.. and the tremendous toll it takes in the recovery efforts. The loss of life and all those that have to somehow pick up the pieces and move on.
We know that there is no promise of tomorrow and certainly our homes are subject to the forces of nature. God has given us all an opportunity to escape all the awful things happening in the world. He has provided a safe haven to all of His children.
We see the evil that is present in so many forms but greater than any evil is the Love of God. I urge you today to take inventory of your heart and reach out to our Heavenly Father for His amazing grace.
We are truly in the season of the coming of the Lord!