Live! Rather Than Just Pass The Time


Live! Rather Than Just Pass The TimeGoat Addiction!!!!

My daughter Joy was home for a few days. It’s the first time I’ve seen her since her house was robbed last month and her car was stolen. She has been through so many emotional ups and downs since it happened.  There are different stages you go through after an incident like this and she assured me she has reached the anger stage! She has had a security system installed and is able to sleep at night again. She is grateful the Lord watched over her, as she was sleeping when her house was robbed. She is very thankful to have her car back, thanks to OnStar!

We don’t get to see each other very often since she lives in Pittsburgh and I live in Michigan. When we are together though we cherish the moments and take advantage of the precious time. She is the only one of my children that loves goats, possibly as much as I do. It’s a very serious addiction! We just can’t get enough. We just welcomed a new goat to our barn when Joy was home.

We folded all the seats up in my trailblazer and the goat rode quietly without any problems. She is a Nubian with beautiful coloring. Her name is Abigail which I will shorten to Abby because my oldest daughter is Abigail!

We had so much enjoyment from this goat and our little adventure. That’s how Joy and I are, we are spontaneous, not planners!.

When Joy first moved to Pittsburgh several years ago to work in a hospital there, she had to quickly find a place to live. She went on Craigslist and found a girl who needed a roommate.  She and Joy became great friends and the arrangement worked out for both of them. They have both now gone their separate ways but remain friends. When Joy woke this morning she had a text from her former roommate that said ” just planned a trip to see my best friends with literally nothing in my bank account. I’m officially appreciating your lifestyle of living to the fullest rather than worrying about work. It’s really nothing to do with money, but everything to do with the timing and not wasting a moment. Thank you for taking the risk of being my “craigslist” roommate a few years ago. You have taught me so much about what it means to live rather than just pass the time”.

It made me cry when I read the text. I’m so guilty of dreading situations and not taking advantage of every day, every breath God has allotted to me. It’s so easy to worry about money and bills. Yes we have responsibilities, but we also have choices everyday that reflect who we are. My daughter Joy is a risk taker. She went to a private art school in another state, without knowing a soul. She went to Africa and volunteered at an orphanage for a summer. I would never do those things but my spirit and hers are very similar in what we place value in to make a memory. I will drop everything for a family member or a friend to share a few precious moments that we can never live again. I know I need to count my blessings and enjoy each moment, live rather than just pass the time.

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