Super Bowl Trivia and Super God Facts

The Bible is still the most read Book in the World

Super Bowl Trivia and Super God FactsToday is the Super Bowl. One of the most watched events in American Television. I personally am not a football fan, I prefer hockey. I decided to research a little trivia concerning the Super Bowl and then I will present facts about my Super God!

So these are some of the fun facts I have found as I read various articles.

  • The Super bowl is measured in Roman numerals because football season runs over 2 calendar years
  • 72 footballs are used in the Super Bowl Game
  • Of the top 10 most watched American T.V. programs, 9 are Super Bowls
  • It is the 2nd most watched sporting event in the world
  • 1 30 second commercial aired during the game costs at least 2,800,000
  • The Green Bay Packers won the first Super Bowl
  • The trophy given to the winners of the Super Bowl is called the Vince Lombardi Trophy
  • There will be approximately 8 million pounds of guacamole consumed on Super Bowl Sunday along with 14,500 tons of chips!

I’m certainly not against the Super Bowl or anyone who watches it but I just wonder how many people would have this same interest in our Lord Jesus? Do you think we could ever air a program on T.V. about our Super God that would be viewed by as many people? Would anyone want to celebrate the super prize at the end of this life, known as eternal life? What about the Super Words of Life that we have access to each and everyday?

Today I just want to challenge each one of us as we set aside time to watch the Super Bowl, let us also contemplate how great is our Super God!!!!

The best team goes to the Super Bowl and I believe God is seeking out the best men who will be strong and do exploits. The teams playing today will be taking orders from their coaching staff, to try and obtain that Coveted Prize. We as the servants of our precious Lord Jesus also need to be taking orders from Him, the King of Glory!

I believe every football team has a “Playbook”. We also have one, it is called the Word of God. It has “Plays” for every situation we will face in this life. It offers comfort when we are discouraged, courage when we are defeated, power when we need healing. It offers us hope for every possible scenario we will face.

I love the Word of God. It is my constant help and strength giving source. I want to encourage everyone today to open that precious Word and thank the God who gives you breath and supplies your needs. If you don’t know Him in a personal way, take this opportunity today to open your heart and discover the greatest treasure known to man.

The following words are those of Smith Wigglesworth, a great soldier of God. This is my favorite description of the Word of God!

“Let go of your own thoughts, and take the thoughts of God. If you build yourself on imaginations you will go wrong. You have the Word of God and it is enough. A man gave this remarkable testimony concerning the Word. Never compare this Book with other books. Comparisons are dangerous. Never think or say that this Book contains the Word of God. It is the Word of God.

It is supernatural in origin, eternal in duration, inexpressible in value, infinite in scope, regenerative in power, infallible in authority,  universal in interest, personal in application, inspired in totality. Read it through. Write it down. Pray it in. Work it out. And then pass it on.”

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