Honduras Recap
Wednesday January 31, 2001 Home at Last
We are finally on our last flight, waiting to leave Miami. At breakfast, John told me his coffee was the best “worst” coffee he had ever had! I don’t think it will take us long to turn back into Americans!
We arrived safely in Detroit where it is a lovely 34 degrees, with snow on the ground. I fell on the ice immediately when I got out of the car. But for 17 days my contacts had lasted through all the dust and wind and my ankle, which has had 7 surgeries never bothered me. The Lord was with us every mile of the way, thousands by plane, hundreds by car. I’m thankful to be home, thankful I had the opportunity to go and thankful to know the Lord Jesus. I hope that whoever will read this account will be inspired to reach out to the lost and do whatever God would lay on your heart for His kingdom.
Well that first trip to Honduras is my most memorable. I think the first time you experience something it affects you in the most profound way. I have been back several times since then and experienced so many different things. We have literally walked through rivers because there was no other way to reach these remote locations. I have seen people delivered from horrible diseases. That first trip was extremely long and very taxing and we never went for that span of time again. I never did learn to speak Spanish but I still hope to do so someday.
Sometimes I think we just need to look back and reflect on all the things the Lord has brought us through. We need to remind ourselves that the same God that protected us in that foreign country is the same God who is more than capable of meeting our current situation. For me, I know my faith was greatly challenged as I watched these humble people just believe God for their needs. I think here in America we try and fix everything ourselves and call on God as a last resort while over there He is their only resource. It was so refreshing to see a genuine faith lived day in and day out and to be constantly challenged to climb higher on that ladder myself.
As the years have passed we have continued to support the work of the Lord in Honduras. We have sent over 100,000 bibles and financially supported as much as we could. We have helped build a number of churches and have done our best to support the spreading of the gospel to the remote regions in the mountains.
I have heard that the airport in Tegucigalpa was closed which makes me happy! It was such a scary ordeal each time we went! I also overcame my fear of driving in the city. I have been able to drive to Detroit without any issues ever since that first trip to Honduras. Detroit traffic is a piece of cake in comparison!
I have wonderful memories from each trip to Central America. I have had serious health issues since we last visited and I know those precious people were praying for me and I knew they knew how to reach the throne of God. I know this was a long series and I just want to say thank you to all who read it or will read it in the future. I hope it was a blessing and gave you a little glimpse of what it’s like over there. You might never get to go and experience it for yourself but you can pray each day for those who are called to go.