Honduras Part 12
Friday January 26, 2001 Day 12 of
Honduras trip
This morning we had breakfast in the hotel again and managed ok with our very broken and limited Spanish. We then left for El Banquito which is much higher in elevation and thankfully much cooler! It is also very windy. We went and visited some property a friend had purchased several years ago and donated to the church in El Banquito. There were thousands of cabbages and tomatoes growing in their fields.
We then went back to the pastor’s house to eat lunch. John and I split our meal. We weren’t very hungry and we’re getting very cautious now. We then went to visit the widow of a man we had known for many years. He was truly a great evangelist. I will always remember him by the huge smile he always had on his face and you could feel his great love for God and his people. As I said before, love is the same in every language and needs no interpretation. His widow was so happy to see us and is just as precious as her late husband. She is hoping to come to the States sometime this year and visit her son in Houston. She has a nice little home. There were chickens everywhere. She has an outdoor oven that reminds me of an igloo. We gave her some money to build a fence and some extra to just help her survive.
The service was at Bro Reyes church. I noticed they used a generator for power. They had lights and ceiling fans. I made sure I sat underneath one of those fans! It was the nicest church we had visited so far. We met some people from Nicaragua who want us to come and visit them “next time”! I’m not sure when that will be. I feel like I will need A LOT of time to recuperate from this trip, maybe even years!
We then drove to brother Casco’s brother’s church, Robert Casco. John preached about leadership. A sister asked us to remember her 86 year old mother, Dominga in prayer. We were very weary when we reached our hotel. Only 3 more services! I have honestly enjoyed them but the interpreting makes them long and the heat and tiredness of your body makes it hard.
I feel like we are running a marathon. It is so physically exhausting and the food doesn’t always agree with you. The many many miles we have driven on absolutely terrible roads and hours spent in the car have all taken a toll. I definetly know how to pray now for those who are on the mission field, some constantly. It is a huge sacrifice and I believe the rewards on the other side will be just as great as all they endured here in the name of the Lord. Actually I believe the reward will be much greater! God is mindful of all that we do to save a soul, to seek those that have never heard this glorious gospel. We are so blessed to have bibles and churches that are easily accessible. How many of us would walk for 6 hours to attend a service? How deep is our relationship with our Heavenly Father? What are we willing to give of ourselves? These are my thoughts as I ponder this experience.