Honduras Part 7

Sunday January 21, 2001 Day 7 of

Honduras trip

Honduras Part 7John was still feeling sick this morning and I felt so bad for him having to preach. I honestly don’t think I could have done so knowing how sick I felt myself. I told him I had a package of raisins left over from our first flight and we could ration them for the next week! We decided that at least for today we were going to eat good old Americn junk food, packaged in the USA! We stopped for gas and we stocked up on chips, pop and candy. Desperate times call for desperate measures!!! We knew we needed a break from the food. The coffee here tastes like a triple espresso with lots of sugar. It was not even possible to drink!

The Sunday morning service lasted FOREVER! A brother got up to “testify” and more than an hour and a half later finally sat down. He said he was only in the middle of his testimony when he sat down! What? Of course I didn’t understand a word of it since I don’t speak Spanish and I didn’t have an interpreter.

We drove about 45 minutes to where the evening service would be held. I told Bro Abraham if the brother showed up to “finish” his testimony to make sure it didn’t happen. It was kind of funny because he did show up near the end of the service, praise God it was too late to finish his testimony!

Bro Aquilas and his wife invited us to come and visit their house in the mountains the next time we came. I told them I would on one condition, that I could ride a horse and not in that truck!!

We had to drive 3 hours after the service back to Bro Casco’s house. We have to catch an early flight in the morning to Nicaragua. We are going to visit an orphanage and that is run by Americans. We elected John to drive, instead of Bro Casco. I had never been able to drive in Detroit prior to this trip. I thought it was very scary with all the traffic and cars cutting you off and driving too fast etc… I knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that when we returned home, I would be completely cured of my fear of driving in Detroit! It would be a piece of cake after what I had witnessed here!

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