Honduras Part 6
Saturday January 20, 2001 Day 6 of Honduras trip
What a day this has been and it’s only 3:30 in the afternoon! John and I skipped breakfast this morning. We felt like our stomachs just needed a break from this food! We then went to this place in the mountains to have a service and then a baptism. Well this road was the bumpiest you could imagine. It seemed like every bump my head would hit the roof of the car! I think Cedar Point could come here and get ideas for a new wild ride!!!
The services rarely start on time. This 9 am service started at 11. Of course it was supposed to be a 25 minute drive, but took an hour. We had to cross several rivers ( no bridges) and I think every bone in my body has been badly rattled. I was very thankful I didn’t eat breakfast because I think I would have lost it along the way.
John preached about baptism. Two people made a decision to get baptized after the service. I couldn’t believe how many people were there. Some had walked 12 miles!! There was a man there with his son, who was 7. They had ridden in a car for 6 hours and walked for 2 hours. They are obviously very poor. I wanted to give them money but Bro Casco told me he already had. Your heart just longs to help.
John will preach on the radio broadcast at 4:30. We split a meal for lunch to try and conserve our stomachs. Then came back to the hotel to rest awhile. There will be an evening service at 7.
I wish we had a little more time to enjoy the country but we’re always driving or at a service. We never get back to the hotel until late at night and we usually leave before 8 am. There is no sleeping in, that’s for sure. Of course this isn’t a vacation! It is definitely the experience of a lifetime. I would come again in a heartbeat despite all the hardships. God has really given us an anointing to be here.
My stomach is bothering me a great deal now. I have been sick for several hours. I hope all those who promised to pray for us are following through because we can really use your prayers today! John is battling it also. We are totally exhausted. When we went to bed I looked over at John and he still had his glasses on and didn’t realize it. When I told him he said he wanted to be able to see in his dreams! He got sick about 230 am. He still felt pretty bad the next morning, I felt bad that he had to preach. Apparently the show must go on!