There’s no Cheating on this Test
He Sees all things, and Does ALL things WELL
It is an incredibly beautiful and snowy day today. I think we are all longing for spring as we gaze outside at the steadily falling snow. We have gotten nearly 12 inches in the past few days. I love the snow but I also love the end of the snow and spring! I have come to the conclusion that the Lord wants there to be snow so let there be snow!
I have also come to the conclusion that I need to apply that concept to whatever trial I am going through! The Lord has allowed this trial to come upon me so I must pass the test. I remember staying up all night in college to study for a chemistry test. I absolutely never understood chemistry, I definitely didn’t like it but I was willing to sacrifice an entire night for an A on a test. The funny thing was that the A meant nothing. Did I gain any understanding of chemistry because I had an A stamped on my test? Could I have explained a concept to anyone? Not even close. The minute that test score was in my hand, I no longer retained the knowledge it took to achieve it. Wouldn’t you think the person with the highest score could help you? Well that’s not true in God’s economy.
I have learned this: I will keep repeating the test until I pass! God isn’t grading our test scores with letter grades but rather with character! He is watching me as I agonize through a difficult test. He is scoring my patience as I wait for test results. He is gauging my trust in His unfailing promises as I watch my children go astray. He is weighing my courage to fight when doubts and worry are ceaselessly plaguing me. It is truly endless as He examines the deepest recesses of our hearts. We can study for a chemistry test that we have no real understanding of and receive an A. We can’t do that with our supernatural God who knows the very thoughts we are thinking. There is no pretense and no cheating!
The snow outside is real, so are my trials. I can choose to seek God for help and direction or give in to the despair that is engulfing me. He has given me all the study materials I need to succeed. A Word that never fails, a direct line to His grace through prayer, a choice to simply Believe! Isn’t it strange how we can worry and doubt and fret and believe the worst? But what about trusting, patiently waiting and believing God has the answers and will provide our needs?
Oh I want to have a really high score on my test that we call life. I want to possess the character that will stand through all adversity. A faith that remains steady when the waves of trials are crashing all around me. I want someone to be able to see my high score and I can actually help them to understand! I can extend to them what I possess inside my heart not an empty knowledge of chemistry that can produce nothing. Our trials are producing life changing character that will remain. Not a meaningless test score that will be discarded.
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