Snowflakes and Blizzards
Trials can be like snowflakes that rage into blizzards
Someone asked me the other day where I get my inspiration from. Simple. My everyday life. I see God in everything. He is everywhere orchestrating every moment of my life. I know that all things I go through are for a purpose. I am often questioning why I’m going through things but that is because of my human frailty in not placing unwavering trust in God.
I had a rough week this week. It started out last Monday with excruciating pain in my tooth. I called the dentist and got an appointment for the following day. The dentist told me I needed a root canal repaired, one that had been done 20 years earlier. So that appointment was scheduled for the next day. So on Wed I went to the specialist to get my existing root canal repaired but just kidding they said the tooth next to it was worse! So I got a root canal done on a tooth that had a cracked filling and infection all the way to the bone. I was in terrible pain and started wondering if this was actually going to turn out ok. The tooth I was supposed to get done still needs fixed but it will have to wait.
As I drove home I started thinking about how good the Lord was to me to allow this incident to happen when it did. I’m going to Florida in a few days and so grateful this will be behind me. He does all things well and in His time.
Then the snow started. One snowstorm after another. Normally this time of year I’m so tired of the snow. This time though I was captivated by the incredible beauty. Snow is everywhere and makes everything look white and clean and refreshing. I drove around yesterday on the snowy roads and took pictures. Every time I snapped that shutter I marveled at the God who had imagined such a thing as Snow! Can you imagine creating snow? Or rain? Thunder? Lightning?
Snow is so amazing how it appears and then after a short time it’s gone. It seems like that’s how many people view God. They come to His amazing Grace but after a short time the things of the world become more appealing and their love for God simply melts away. I want my love for Him to remain year after year like a glacier that doesn’t melt in the summer. I have stood on glaciers in Glacier National Park in July and marveled how deep that snow and ice was despite the warm temperatures. I want my testimony to be just like that glacier. No matter how hard the trials, how deep the snow is on my path to the barn, how many times I fall each year on the ice…….My love for Him will remain solid and secure. He has allowed those glaciers to remain for eons of time through all kinds of weather patterns. Oh I want to love and trust Him the same way!