Find your Purpose

Your purpose in life is to find your purpose, then give your whole heart and soul to it

We have a beautiful yellow maple tree in our yard. It is yellow all summer but in the fall it turns a vibrant yellow. It is the center of attention in the yard. Yesterday the skies were gray, a typical fall/winter Michigan day. The tree was very striking against the gray sky. This morning, the sun is shining! A rare phenomena for this time of year! As I watched the beautiful tree, I noticed it had only half as many leaves as yesterday. Then I noticed there were numerous leaves falling every few minutes.

The thought that immediately came to mind was that those leaves were similar to our lives. We are here for a season and then its over and our purpose here on earth is finished. Those leaves came in the spring, and now their cycle has been completed and they are falling to earth to their final resting place. They will not return, a new generation will take their place. We also have a limited amount of days to serve our purpose on this earth.

Do you know your purpose? It is unique to you. No one else can take your place. That is such an amazing thought. God has placed us here for a season of time and expects us to fulfill a purpose. He has given us all different talents to use. I know people who are amazing singers, musicians, artists, peacemakers, ………the list is endless.

I think of Abraham Lincoln, I believe he was our greatest President. I believe he was great because of his unwavering commitment and care to the American people. The people were divided in their desires for the direction of the country. Lincoln, spent much time on his knees seeking direction from almighty God. I’m sure he had his own thoughts about how to promote his agenda. Instead, he sought the mind of God.

People have asked me why I don’t rant and rave about the horrible things happening in the world?  Why don’t I express political views? The answer is simple. When I made a decision to write this blog it was with one purpose in mind, to encourage people and hopefully inspire someone to want a deeper relationship with our Lord Jesus.

The things that are happening in our nation and the rest of the world, are a result from pushing God out. If you are in love with the Lord, your desires are to please Him. You won’t ever please Him by destroying someone else. The only agenda I want to promote is this: seek the Lord Jesus and find your purpose in this world. Once you know what He wants you to be and do, do it with all your heart. If He wants you to be a Mom, then be the best Mom you can be! To me it is the greatest job in the world. He might call you to be a great example. Be such a great example, that many can be blessed just by following your footsteps. Remember that tree in My yard will soon  be void of leaves, their purpose will be finished. Find your reason for being here and seek the Lord to help you fulfill it.

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