Extending A Hand

Be a Gift to Everyone who Enters your life

Extending A HandIt seems like every year as the holiday season approaches, many hearts are turned to a spirit of generosity. I love reading stories about people giving to others, it is an attribute to be cherished and shared.


I think sometimes we mistake God’s blessings to us financially. We think He wants us to increase our standard of living, but in reality He wants us to increase our standard of giving! John Bunyan said ” you have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” I have found this to be true. The more you give, not just monetarily, but of your most precious resource, your time, the more God blesses you.

Suze Orman said “true generosity is our offering, given freely and out of pure love. No strings attached. No expectations. Time and love are the most valuable possession you can share.”  I read an article about a man here in Michigan who ended up with an extra, live Christmas tree. He decided to give it away on Craigslist. He was astounded at the number of people who desired that tree. One Mom told him she had 6 children and Christmas was going to be extremely tough that year. A tree was not an affordable item, they usually drew one on cardboard and stuck it in the corner. Many others related similar stories. The man who had the tree, not only donated his extra tree but went out and purchased 40 more to fulfill all the requests. Wow. Another person heard about it and donated ornaments.

Another man happened to overhear a conversation in a department store about a mother lamenting that she could not afford to pay off her layaway before Christmas. The man went to the layaway department and not only paid off hers, but many more.

To be generous does not require spending money. When I was going through serious health issues and recovering from brain surgery, a dear friend sent a card every week. I looked forward to those cards and the love and thoughtfulness that was behind them. When I had a bone graft done on my ankle, I was on crutches for 4 months. I had 3 children at the time, all under 4. My neighbor made me an apron with large pockets so I could carry things around and put stuff away while I navigated on those crutches. It was a very clever and useful solution to help me through those rough months.

Winston Churchill said, “we make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.”

Don’t wait for the holidays to think about giving to someone. I love it when someone gives to you, and you don’t know them. Many times we  have been in line to cross the Mackinaw Bridge and when we get to the booth, the attendant tells us the car in front of us has already paid for us. It’s such a great feeling, just from a simple act of generosity.  There are endless ways to give each and everyday. I want to make it a part of my day, every day to give to someone without any thought of getting something in return. I am in debt to my Heavenly Father and no amount of giving will repay His generous gift to me.

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