The Handwriting is on the Wall
We are standing on the threshold of eternity
We have needed rain all summer. It has been dry and made it difficult to grow flowers and a garden. A few nights ago it finally rained, it poured. I was so thankful for the rain but the storm also brought a tornado warning, our first of the year. The tornado sirens are about 5 miles away and you cant always hear them because of the noise of the storm. This time however, our phones alerted us. They began simultaneously beeping. We always go outside to check the clouds when a warning is issued. A warning indicates that a tornado has been spotted and you need to seek shelter. It was very dark and the winds were 45 mph and it was impossible to discern the clouds. The storms almost always come from the west or southwest and only occasionally from the north. The winds were so loud coming straight out of the west and the sky had an eerie glow. We made a joint decision to seek shelter in the basement.
As we waited in the basement, I just thought about warnings. They come in many different forms. We are constantly warned about eating certain things and how they will negatively affect our health. We are warned about what not to bring to the airport when we fly. We are warned as children about the consequences of disobedience. We are warned about oncoming storms, whether it be a hurricane or a blizzard the warnings are posted.
Warnings come from every direction and pretty much each day contains a warning in some form. I wonder how many people take heed to the warnings and how many decide to disregard them? There are people recovering from four hurricanes that have recently hit the United States. There were two serious earthquakes in Mexico. There are several volcanoes on the verge of erupting and thousands of people were evacuated from their homes. There are wildfires burning out of control out west and homes and lives are being lost.
We can read our bibles and know that we are living in the last days. The signs are all around us. So many natural disasters, threats of wars, unrest in every nation. The hearts of men and women have grown cold and oblivious to the laws of God. Our nation claims “in God we trust. I believe there are individuals that truly trust in God but not this nation. The things of God are being removed everywhere and the devil is replacing God with man’s wisdom.
I don’t know how much longer this world will last with all the corruption and lies and literal hatred for God and His righteousness. We have all been warned. The coming of the Lord is at hand. I believe we are on the threshold of eternity. We have all been given an opportunity to seek the Lord and receive salvation. The handwriting is on the wall, His coming is very near. If you don’t know the Lord in a personal way please take the time to seek Him while there is yet time.