Be a Positive Influence

Let your light shine so bright that others can see their way out of the dark

Be a Positive Influence

I read a story about a man who decided to go out with his colleagues after work one night.  This man was not a drinker but his friends coerced him into taking just a few drinks, which ended up becoming too much. He had his young son with him and knew it was time to go home. They had to cross a park through the snow and the man turned around to check the progress of the little boy. He noticed the boy was going from one side to the other in a zig zag pattern. He asked the boy why he was going all over the park. What was making him walk like that? The boy said “daddy I’m trying to walk in your footsteps”. The man picked up his son and sat down with the boy in his arms. He said, “God forgive me, I want to walk straight, so my son behind me will walk straight”.

After I read this story it provoked me to examine the example I am living. I believe we are the only bible some people will ever read. They might not ever take the time to visit a church or pick up a bible to read. They will however witness real true genuine children of the living God displaying Christianity to the world.

Many people have told me over the years that they don’t go to church because everyone is a hypocrite. They claim to believe in God but they live like the devil. I have met plenty of those people but I also have met the genuine Christ like people who have not only read the bible but they know the author! Oh what a difference it makes in your life. You are no longer living according to your desires but His! The love of God is truly greater than any power on earth. When you can tap into that life giving source you can provide a light, a hope to this lost and dying world.

We see the endless stories in the news of the unspeakable things people are doing. I wonder where their influence came from? Many have only known abuse, lies, instability, etc… God has given us a sound mind and we need to use it to help those that are floundering in this hopeless evil world. I have seen the miracle of God taking a broken and hardened life and turning it into a lovely sweet creature. It takes a lot of work to help someone come to the place of putting  their trust in God. They might have been lied to all their life but coming to the saving grace of Jesus changes them.

There is so much hatred and cries of social injustice. So much disrespect of our great country. We should be influencing with good and positive energy not the opposite. God is not looking at the color of our skin but rather the condition of our heart. A heart that knows God will influence others to come to know him too.

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