Don’t Worry He’s Here

Commit your worries to the Lord

Don't Worry He's Here

Yay! You did it!!!

My grandchildren just visited from Texas and it brought back a lot of memories. Not just good memories but also reminders of how tough it was raising 7 children! People have asked me repeatedly how I did it. I know it was the amazing Grace of God for sure. I also know that my husband and I implemented strategies that brought the results we desired.

We had to have a house that was not filled with chaos and confusion. When my children started to get unruly and disobedient, we had them sit quietly on the couch. We found that by settling them down and taking control of their spirits, brought control in the home. Sitting quietly forces you to focus and think. My children did not want to be forced to sit and reflect on their behaviour and it brought wonderful results.

I believe as adults we need to emulate this same strategy to take control of our mind that is spiraling out of control. That is also the wonderful thing about prayer, it forces you to still your mind and focus on communicating with the One who can help you!

People who are raising children always ask me how I have been able to not worry about my children. Oh I remember those years when they attained that prized drivers license and I sat up until I heard that car pull into the driveway! As the years passed though and they began to move out of the house and then out of state, I had to come to a place of realizing there was someone very capable of watching over them. He was the amazing  God who created them and loved them. I came to a place where I could safely commit them into His powerful hands. If He couldn’t watch over them, I certainly couldn’t.

Last night it dawned on me that one of my daughter’s was returning from overseas, after visiting Switzerland and Austria. Another daughter was preparing to leave for Hurricane devastated Puerto Rico. She is working with the Red Cross and her language skills are needed to communicate with those who cannot speak English. As I stood there pondering these thoughts it occurred to me I have reached a place where I am no longer worried about their safety. They are under the watchful eye of my Heavenly Father and He knows exactly where they are at every moment and I can rest my faith in Him.

I believe the same principle applies to every aspect of our lives. Our God is not only with us, He promised to lead and guide us. When we come into a dangerous or upsetting situation we know we are not alone. My daughter leaves tomorrow for Puerto Rico where there is no electricity and certainly none of the comforts of home. I am confident she will have exactly what she needs and my God will be her protector. Im praying her gift of speaking several languages will be utilized to its full potential and many will be blessed from her generous heart to help.

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