United We stand
Hurricane Harvey Cannot Destroy Our Resilience
We really could use a nice steady downpour here in Michigan. The rain this summer has been very sporadic. As I check the weather forecast though my heart just aches at seeing all the video footage of the hurricane that just devastated south Texas and the surrounding areas. The catastrophic flooding has just destroyed so many homes, businesses and livelihoods. It is still raining there also! One of my daughter’s had volunteered with the Red Cross after Hurricane Katrina and it was such a difficult experience to encounter such despair and hopelessness.
On the positive side of this tragic storm there are emerging heroes! When a storm of this magnitude strikes a nation, it dissolves the political dissent and the color of your skin is simply not important. The storm certainly showed no discrimination in who was in its path. It didn’t matter if you were rich or poor, black or white, the resulting devastation was felt by all.
I read of a black officer trudging through flooded streets with 2 white children under his arms. There were many white people rescuing black people in their boats. A man opening his furniture store to everyone needing shelter, including animals. I read of deputies conducting a cattle drive to help them reach higher ground. There were 150 volunteers that arrived with airboats, calling themselves the Cajun navy reporting for duty. A group of strangers formed a human chain to rescue people and help a woman in labor to safely navigate the flood until emergency paramedics arrived. I’m sure no one discussed their political views during these rescues!
There were thousands of homes destroyed and millions of belongings washed away by this storm. It could not however destroy the indomitable spirit of the men and women of America! We have seen numerous accounts of all the selfless sacrifices being done to help the victims of this storm. It is so refreshing to see the kindness still evident through these gestures.
There is a common thread I have noticed as I read about the hundreds of rescues. People are not complaining about the loss of their homes, cars and possessions. They are grateful for life! Sometimes it takes a disaster to help us realize what really matters and what we should place value in. I remember when our barn burned to the ground and the sense of loss was tremendous. I also remember standing on the porch as we watched the barn burn, knowing that my family was safe and everything else could be replaced.
Many of us wish we had the resources to go and help these people. If we don’t have the means to send support we can certainly pray. God has given us all the ability to set aside some time and pray for these people to be able to restore their homes and lives.
If you would like to donate supplies or money there are a number of worthwhile organizations you can utilize.
The American Red Cross redcross.org
The Salvation Army disaster.salvationarmyusa.org
South Texas Blood and Tissue Center southtexasblood.org
Texas Diaper Bank. texasdiaperbank.org
Austin Pets Alive visit their website for more information
First Response Team of America. firstresponseteam.org
This world is not our final home. Oh how we long for that land beyond the river where all tears will be wiped away!