Is It True? Or Not?

The truth remains the truth no matter who disputes it

Is It True? Or Not?Sometimes I wonder why I read the news because it’s so disturbing. The unspeakable things that people do and say are quite shocking and don’t make you feel uplifted after reading them.  I guess I just simply like to be aware of what’s happening in the world. Often, the headlines are all I read. I have no desire to know the full extent of the articles. As I was glancing through the headlines this morning it just struck me, how much of this is true? Years ago the media were reporting reality as they saw it. Today there are so many special interest groups and so much hate and distrust that you have no idea if what they are saying is true or not. It seems that there is no impartiality. If the reporter has certain political views, then so does the news article. What ever happened to honesty, respect and integrity? My dream was to be a reporter and I know I either would have reported the truth or been fired for refusing to do so!

I believe there is still a glimmer of truth left here in this present world. There are still people who value and treasure the wonderful words of life contained in the holy scriptures. They are not accountable to man but rather to a God that not only knows every word you speak but the very thoughts that you think! It’s impossible to hide from His scrutiny.

I have 7 children and believe me I have heard all different versions of the “truth” in any given situation! I have many friends and acquaintances but can probably count on one hand the ones I could safely trust with my life. Sometimes the truth hurts and we refrain from speaking it to avoid hurting someone. I read about a teacher who was recovering from surgery and got a card from her fourth grade class: Dear Mrs. Fisher, your fourth grade class wishes you a speedy recovery by a vote of 15-14! Of course children can be very bold and not very discreet about voicing an opinion.

Our opinions do not change the reality of the truth. If we really desired to be a bird and told people we were a bird would it be the truth? That’s how ridiculous this world is becoming. Because someone claims something is true then all the sudden it’s true? I’m so glad we have an old fashioned God who NEVER changes and always remains true to His Word. The world is becoming more evil everyday but I believe every true child of God is shining brighter as the world is getting darker.

D.L. Moody, the great evangelist, said “the best way to show that a stick is crooked is not to argue about it or to spend time denouncing it, but to lay a straight stick alongside it.”

May we endeavor to be that straight stick the world will have to measure their version of truth to.

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