Brain Tumor Part 5

The Tumor is Removed and Recovery Begins.

Brain Tumor Part 5I remained in ICU that night after the embolism. My surgery was scheduled for 7 am the next day. I was thankful it was early, the first of the day. I had definitely reached the point of no return and I was anxious to be on the other side of surgery. I already had an iv in one arm and now a second one was started in the other arm. The surgeon came in  and asked if I was ready and I assured him that I was. I knew there were many people praying for me all over the world and I was confident I would be okay.


The surgery went as planned without complications. When I woke up and heard someone calling my name, my first conscious thought was wondering if my speech would be slurred. I answered the nurse in a normal voice and silently thanked the Lord for His grace.

It was a great relief to see my husband and family, knowing the “Brain surgery” was over! It had occupied our thoughts for many weeks. The doctor assured us the tumor was benign and the removal had gone extremely well. I now had three iv lines in my arms. A third large one was started during the surgery into an artery in case a blood transfusion was necessary. My head was completed wrapped in a white bandage and I looked like I was from Afghanistan. The tumor had been right over my left eye, and throughout that first day my eye began to turn black and blue and eventually swelled completely shut. I had temporarily lost most of my hearing in my left ear. The pain was very minimal since there are no pain receptors in the brain.

The next day the bandages were removed and we could see the started at the top of my head where my hair is parted and goes down the side of my face to my left ear. The scar would be inside my hairline so it wouldn’t be visible when it healed. There were 3 plates now in my skull and many titanium screws. There was no bruising around the incision. I was very impressed at the doctor’s skill. It would be months until my hair covered the scar but it honestly never bothered me. I knew for me, that scar would be a constant reminder of a faithful God who cares for His children and allowed me the opportunity to live.

I worked with a physical therapist for the next few days. They had to make sure I was steady to walk and navigate stairs. My surgery was done on a Thursday and by Sunday I was no longer on pain killers. I marveled at the rapid healing response to a surgery of this magnitude. I was taking massive doses of steroids to keep my brain from swelling and I would wean myself from them over the next ten days. I had been in the hospital for 5 days and was anxious to go home.  There is definitely no place like home.

I was released from the hospital on Monday afternoon. I was told not to lift anything over 10 lbs. And not to drive until my stitches were removed in 10 days.

The level of fatigue after this surgery is tremendous. I told John I felt like I was turning into my grandmother. I sat on the porch in my rocking chair for hours at a time doing absolutely nothing! I was happy doing nothing! My arms were bruised and sore from the ivs and my left eye remained swollen. I couldn’t move my left eyebrow. I wondered if my life would ever truly be normal again? What was ” normal” now going to be?

The days passed slowly as the healing process continued. I regained my hearing and eyesight over time. I also regained my energy and after several months I felt I had recovered.

It was definitely a long ordeal from the time the pain started until the healing was complete. A trial filled with many tears, prayers, questions etc…. I’m grateful today to be able to look back and know the Lord was with me every minute and gave me the strength I needed. I’m praying this account of my brain tumor will be a blessing to someone facing a major trial in their life. God is faithful and the same yesterday, today and forever.

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